Thursday, March 20, 2025

Slice of Life - Taking a Walk Seeing Myself

Tonight I took a walk. I've been thinking about taking a walk after dinner for a lot of days. For a lot of months actually. Five minutes into the walk an owl was calling, "Whoo, whoo, whoo." I stopped to chat with the owl for a bit, but it just kept repeating "Who?" I said it was me and walked on. 

About five minutes later I ran into a colleague who was also out for a stroll. When I said I was walking because I had been too sedentary today she was shocked and expressed that I was a very active person. 

It's funny how other people have an image of us that may not match our own image of ourselves. The people who know me where we currently live, don't know the me I was just a few short years ago. I guess our longer term knowledge of self affects our opinions of ourselves. We have all the other years as comparison and newer friends just accept us as who we are right this minute. 

In some ways it's nice to be in a new place with new people because my reflection looks a little different in the mirror of new friends. 

A large cross section of an orange is centered and the title Slice of Life is on it. The address for The Two Writing Teachers wordpress blog is also there in small print.

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