Monday, March 10, 2025

Slice of Life 2025 - Sleepy

I got the correct amount of sleep. I even took a nap and yet sleepiness has overtaken me. I fell asleep sitting up in my chair. 

One day perhaps the United States will stop fiddling with the time, but until then, twice a year we have to adjust. One hour does not seem like such a big deal, but change is hard. Change is uncomfortable. 

I took a brief nap yesterday afternoon. I slept eight hours and will hope for the best. Perhaps my Monday will be energetic and lovely. Or sleepiness may chase me all day. We shall see.

  A large cross section of an orange is centered and the title Slice of Life is on it. The address for The Two Writing Teachers wordpress blog is also there in small print.


  1. Yep, we adjust, against our will. I'm hopeful a restful night is in my future and well rested students too. Wishful thinking?

    1. I hope you got enough rest and that you're not too sleepy. I did okay today, but won't be up late.
