Sunday, March 16, 2025

Slice of Life - Breakfast Fun

This morning my breakfast happened in a most unique place. I was at the Chicago Cafe which is the oldest continuously operating Chinese restaurant in California. I looked at a menu from February of 1917 where nothing cost over a dollar and saw so many other interesting little bits of history. There are even pipes and bottles from the opium den that used to be out back.

The booths and barstools are old time diner style. The kitchen also has this amazing old wood encased  refrigerator. It's a family friendly space and we were given a tour of the whole place after eating. The grandchildren were playing and at home there wandering about and chatting with the diners.

A group of us who know one of the children of the owners had come together and it was a delightful time to hear the stories about this restaurant that has been part of their family for generations.

Getting to tell our stories and hear those of others is such a gift and I feel lucky to have had a look into the past today.

 A large cross section of an orange is centered and the title Slice of Life is on it. The address for The Two Writing Teachers wordpress blog is also there in small print.


  1. Newtreemom
    That sounds fun and interesting, a place I’d enjoy visiting.

  2. I love how you take us with you to this special place. I love the details of the old menu and especially the opium paraphanalia! And the children running around, and then we find you have a personal connection taking you there. What a nice “slice” of your morning.
