Friday, January 27, 2012

Technology Petting Zoo

This week flew by so quickly.  I feel like I have been on a roller coaster.  I had a crazy week at school, but in the midst of it all, I did have the chance to put together a technology petting zoo on Thursday.

Quite a few teachers were able to stop by.  It is something I have been wanting to do ever since I saw Sarah's example on her blog Page in Training. I shared the NookColors, iPad apps including how to create and store video, some online comic creators that I learned about in my Digital Storytelling for Kids class, our Playaways, how to make google forms, and our computer microscope attachment.  I had fun showcasing these neat tools that we have available to us.

One teacher has already put the google forms to use in a big way by creating a survey today.  Love it!  Others got ideas for what they would do on Digital Learning Day Feb. 1st.  One teacher and I set up a Playaway with her room sound system to use with the whole class.  One teacher used the iPad cart today that hadn't used them yet this school year.  Hopefully I will be able to do some more things like this.  I had a lot of fun and I hope the staff members did too.  Most of all, I hope that learning will be positively affected by these types of events.

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