Monday, January 4, 2021

It's Monday! What are you reading?

#IMWAYR It's Monday! What are you reading? Sharing picture books, early readers, middle grade books, and young adult books for readers of all ages. Hosted by and This text is centered over a background of bookshelves.
It's Monday! What are you Reading? is a meme hosted by Kathryn at Book Date. It's a great way to recap what you read and/or reviewed the previous week and to plan out your reading and reviews for the upcoming week. It's also a great chance to see what others are reading right just might discover your next “must-read” book!

Kellee Moye, of Unleashing Readers, and Jen Vincent, of Teach Mentor Texts decided to give It's Monday! What Are You Reading? a kidlit focus. If you read and review books in children's literature - picture books, chapter books, middle grade novels, young adult novels, anything in the world of kidlit - join us! We love this meme and think you will, too. We encourage everyone who participates to visit at least three of the other kidlit book bloggers that link up and leave comments for them.

If you go to my Goodreads account, you can see what I have read recently & click on the books to learn more.

Last Week on the Blog:
Image from Goodreads. Open book at top. My Year in Books. 93,893 pages read 590 books read. Shortest book is Cupcakes 123 at 14 pages and the longest is the Qur'an at 978.

Photo of two bookshelves filled with books. The title is #MustReadin2021. Text at the bottom says Hosted by Library Matters and A Day in the Life. Originated by Carrie Gelson at

Week in Books:
Cover images of The Summer of Everything which has yellow rays from the center out. The next is a Qur'an that is black with gold swirling designs. Third is Jedi Mind with Yoda meditating under the title. Every Body Looking with a Black young woman who is dancing. Her hair is swinging. The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise has a girl sitting on top of a schoolbus and Keep it Together Keiko Carter has a young girl sitting in front of an open locker.

This is a fairly random grouping of books. ;) I just finished The Summer of Everything and enjoyed having a light summer type of read in the midst of our very cold and crisp winter. I went on a hike right after finishing it. Quite the contrast with California in the summer. 

Person is walking on a snowy path. Snow is everywhere. There are tall trees and everything has frost on it so even the trees are white with some bark contrasting.

Three tall trees covered in frost on a snowy hill. The sky is foggy.

The next book in the photo is the Qur'an. A few years ago I heard about #Muslimshelfspace. I had books by Muslim authors in my school library, but not at home so I started to collect some and seek them out at the library. Some years I have also participated in the Ramadan Readathon where you read books by Muslim authors during Ramadan. This year I was doing it again and it occurred to me that I was missing quite an important book, but we actually had it in our house. A friend had gifted it to my husband. I started it in May and finished it this past week. Having read the Bible multiple times when I was young, it was definitely interesting to see the similarities and differences between the two. 

Star Wars: The Jedi Mind was a Christmas gift from a friend and has Jedi teachings, quotes, and examples from certain characters. It also has mindfulness activities. It was nice to read through and I may even do some of the activities once in a while. 

Every Body Looking is a coming of age verse novel about a girl in her freshman year at Howard University. The story also flashes back to incidents in the past that have shaped her as she tries to find her path forward.

The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise was certainly a quirky middle grade. It was one I grabbed on the way out of my library right before winter break. I've seen it mentioned many, many places. It was fun and certainly had unique characters. In that way it reminded me of The Water Bears

And finally, Keep it Together Keiko Carter was another that I grabbed on the way out the door for winter break. It was a fun and sweet middle grade friendship story with a dash of a romance. 

The Coming Week: 
I'm still reading The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying and have also started to read The Fire This Time. Beyond that, I will likely be reading some kidlit since an order is going to be delivered at school tomorrow. Yay! I love delivery days. I wish you a great week filled with reading. 


  1. I so enjoy seeing what you're reading each week. And I'm astounded at the number of books and great variety. I've picked up both Kidlit and non-Kidlit titles from your suggestions. And now I'm going to have to go see if we have a local copy of The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying. This sounds heavy, but important. I've not made a #MustReadin2021 list, yet, but I missed having one last year and would really like to jump back into that community. We'll have to see if I can find the time and space to get a good list together. Thanks for sharing, Crystal!

  2. Have a wonderful reading year ahead!

  3. The 'Remarkable Journey. . ." was interesting, I agree, and sad, too. I've noted "Everybody Looking" & a couple of others. Thanks, Crystal & Happiest of New Years to you!

  4. I love your eclectic choice of reading material!

  5. That is an amazing reading goal!

  6. I should really try The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise! The Summer of Everything sounds great—I have a different book by Julian Winters in my to-be-read pile, How to Be Remy Cameron. Every Body Looking sounds great as well, and it's awesome that you're reading the Qur'an! Thanks for the wonderful post!

  7. Congratulations on reaching your GoodReads goal! We have been enjoying some winter wonderland weather here too - although it's warmed up and the only snow left is in the mountains.
    The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise was a five star book for me. I wept buckets.
