Sunday, March 4, 2018

Celebrating the Sun

Ruth Ayres has a link-up on weekends where people link to posts that are celebrations about their week. I love this reminder to celebrate every week and I appreciate the community we have through this link-up.

This week I'm celebrating the warmth of the sun. During the middle of the winter, we often see the sun, but it is a lie. In January, the sun may look warm and wonderful, but when you walk outside, the frigid air hits you and the sun seems to be unable to make any difference.

On Monday, we had warmer temps (48 degrees) and the sun felt lovely on my face. I was like a sunflower tipping toward the light and warmth. I even put my windows down to enjoy the slightly cool breeze too.

We also had a fire drill in the middle of the week and we didn't want to go back in the building. As we were standing there, I closed my eyes and just enjoyed the warmth. While walking the dog yesterday, it was the same. The sun just feels like a caress nowadays. Spring is on the way.

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