
Sunday, January 19, 2014

It's Monday! What are you reading?

It's Monday! What are you reading? is a meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journeys. Jen Vincent over at Teach Mentor Texts and Kellee Moye from Unleashing Readers decided to put a children's and YA spin on it and they invite anyone with an interest to join in. You can participate by creating your post then visit one of their sites to add your site. Finally, visit at least three participant blogs and comment to spread the love.

If you want to know more about what I am reading, visit me at my Goodreads shelf. Images via Goodreads unless otherwise noted.

The Past Week:

My favorite young adult book this week was the audio of The 5th Wave. I noticed that in the audio, it was sometimes difficult to distinguish between times when a character is actually speaking or is thinking. My favorite picture book was Auntie Yang's Great Soybean Picnic. It has a wonderful sense of family and the excitement of getting together around food. One Came Home and Maximilian were both fun middle grade books too. The one that stopped me in my tracks was Kindred. It was amazing. I am up way too late so I will direct you to my goodreads for the rest of those reviews. :)

The Coming Week: 
I am listening to The Lord of Opium in the car and am reading an ARC of Bird from Edelweiss. I posted a trailer of that earlier this week. I just started The Lacuna by Barbara Kingsolver on audio also. That is the one on a Playaway so I listen to it when I am running. I will also be reading a few more ARCs this week. What will you be reading? Have a fabulous week!


  1. Kindred sounds fascinating! I enjoyed reading your review. Thanks! :)

    1. You're welcome. I will be recommending it from now on for sure.

  2. I also read Big Snow this week and really enjoyed it, especially because of how snowy it was here in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Funnily I have the 5th WAVE audiobook on reserve from the library for the next week weeks. Thanks for all your recommendations.

    1. Big Snow was cute and we just had some new snow. It's been cold so it's just piling up now. Have fun with the 5th Wave. :)

  3. My husband is reading 5th Wave right now. He's a huge Rick Yancey fan. I just checked One Came Home out from the library knowing absolutely nothing about it, so I'm glad to know you enjoyed it. Kindred is intense, isn't it?

    1. Intense is a good word for Kindred. One Came Home is a little more light hearted and I loved the main character. She's quirky.

  4. I've taught Kindred more than once and it wowed students; it is amazing. We lost a wonderful writer when Octavia Butler passed away. And I also loved Never Let Me Go-what a writer and The 5th Wave! Lots of great books here. I need to put One Came Home on my list! Thanks!

    1. I can't believe I hadn't found Butler before. I will have to read some more of her works.

  5. I've never read any of these books. Thank you for giving me a heads up! I think I've seen Kazuo Ishigiro's Never Let Me Go a few times in the bookstore. I have a copy of his book entitled Nocturnes but have not read it yet. How do you like his writing?

    Here are the books I've read.

    1. I really enjoyed the conversational style except the formula he was using of having the narrator mention an event and then tell the story leading up to that got a little old.

  6. I really like Butler. My story of Kindred -- I was listening to it on a long car drive. On on disc 5 or so I accidentally hit "random" on the player so it started playing tracks out of order. It was still a powerful story! I remember thinking that it was an interesting choice to mix up the chronology so much, but that probably reflected the disturbed thinking (this was the part with all the awful things happening), and then realized what had happened about 30 minutes in. So Butler is such a good writer that I found her story powerful even when hearing it all out of order!
