
Saturday, January 18, 2014


Discover. Play. Build.

Ruth Ayres has a link-up on Saturdays where people link to posts that are celebrations about their week. I love this reminder to celebrate life.

One: I saw a post somewhere (and I don't even know where sadly) and the man explained how he had introduced computer programming with his primary grades using a paper grid on the floor. He had the students give him commands as he moved on the grid. Then he used activities on the Tynker site with them. I had already used with 3rd through 5th grade, but hadn't decided to go lower than that. His post inspired me to give it a whirl with 2nd grade and they loved it. They especially loved making me jump over the Pigeon and Elephant sitting on the grid. We had fun with the Tynker site too.

Two: This week was spirit week so I got to have fun wearing flannel and jeans one day, rainbow striped tights another day, sports gear, and school colors another day. The students have a blast with this and I have to say, I love the quirky clothing too.

Three: I work with excellent people who make me smile and that is a huge celebration every week.

Four: I finished the scarf that I started knitting back before winter break. It doesn't usually take me so long, but I kept putting it down & wouldn't get back to it. My dog attacked it once and I had to undo about half of it too, but it was finally wrapped around my friends neck to keep her warm.

Five: We have a winter wonderland outside. Much as I detest driving in the snow, it is still gorgeous.

What were your celebrations this week?


  1. Great celebrations! Spirit days can be so much fun! I, too, am lucky to work with many people who make me smile every day. That is certainly a celebration! I don't know about you, but I am so over winter! We had more snow today but not much accumulation. Have a great week.

    1. I go up and down on the winter thing. Sometimes it is so beautiful it makes my heart hurt, but other times it's so cold every part of my body hurts. I am trying to savor it more, but my daughter says I complain about winter more than anyone she knows, so clearly I have a way to go.

  2. What a gorgeous winter picture. Thank you for sharing. You are very lucky to work with a staff you love. Certainly worth celebrating!

  3. Love the photo...sunrise or sunset? So fun to work with people who make us smile! I'm celebrating a retired friend down the hall subbing for a teacher on maternity leave. I love wearing fun clothes right along with the kids. My favorite - fashion disaster day!

    1. Sunset. When I was writing the post I hurried out just in time to catch a view of the day before the light was gone. Oooh - fashion disaster day sounds fun. I will have to offer that one as an option next year. :)

  4. I could copy your fifth celebration word to word. The beauty of winter overweighs the unpleasant driving. Cheers for finishing the scarf. Good timing.

    1. I didn't have time to get a picture at our park before the light was gone, but just down the street it was so beautiful with snow on the tree branches and the mud all covered up again. Thanks!
