
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Lego Sorting

The Slice of Life Challenge was created by the people over at the blog Two Writing Teachers. The challenge is to write about some part of your day and share it each Tuesday.

What do you do when you are avoiding what you should be doing? Do you read, watch tv, eat, talk on the phone, text? This week for me, I sorted a box filled with hundreds, perhaps thousands of Lego pieces. That's right. I sorted them into piles, tossed broken ones, pulled out toys that didn't belong. Were they mine? No. Does the owner care if they are sorted or not? No. But Friday night, I spent hours doing this rather mindless task and it was soothing. I also really loved the feeling of accomplishment when everything was sorted into containers and put back into the bin. Everything had a place. My other work was still there to do some other time, but the sorting was a kind of meditation. It was that same sort of rest for my mind that I have when I am running. It was just the thing for a bit of relaxing. I am such a librarian.


  1. Sometimes the mind needs that rest but the hands need the activity. I find that once I've accomplished something like this, I am ready to tackle other areas that need attention.

  2. I think we crave that accomplished feeling. It keeps us centered and going. Makes me think we need to build that feeling into our lessons. Thanks for your insight.

    1. I hadn't even thought about the application for the classroom, but you're right. Thanks! :)
