Inspired by author
Darlene Beck Jacobson and her post at the
Nerdybookclub blog, I started thinking about excellent places to read. I too came up with a top ten.
At first, I was thinking about all of these cool places to go like the Empire State Building or Paris or gondola rides in Italy, but realized if that is where I was, I would probably rather be enjoying the view unless I had experienced the place many, many times. So here are some realistic yet fabulous places to read.
For Real Top Ten Places to Read
10. Up in a tree
9. In a tent with an e-reader so I can see even if everyone else has fallen asleep
8. At The Root Note (cafe) when they have a good jazz set going
7. In front of a nice roaring fireplace with just enough light to see the words
6. On the deck of a cabin in the woods in the mountains
5. On a blanket under a tree with my dog beside me
4. On the beach under a huge umbrella
3. In a warm bubble bath
2. At a fabulous library
1. Tucked in bed with huge pillows and a cup of tea
Fantasy Top Ten Places to Read
10. In a gondola in Venice
9. On a tropical island in a hammock (without any insects)
8. In Hannah Tupper's meadow
7. On a hill surrounded by blueberries that I can reach out and pick when I get hungry
6. At Cair Paravel in Narnia
5. In the library at Hogwarts
4. By the fire in the home of the March sisters
3. Tucked in a very old bed in the Metropolitan Museum of Art after visiting hours
2. While taking a bath in the prefect bathroom at Hogwarts
1. In a hobbit hole in Middle Earth
Where would you like to read?