
Friday, March 13, 2015

{#sol15} Quite Contrary 13/31

hosted by Two Writing Teachers

Mary, Mary quite contrary
How does your garden grow?
With silver bells and cockleshells
And pretty maids all in a row.
                 - Mother Goose

There was a little girl,
   Who had a little curl,
Right in the middle of her forehead.
   When she was good, 
   She was very good indeed
But when she was bad she was horrid.
                  - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

These are two poems that are crashing around in my head today given my cranky state. Perhaps I woke up already in a negative frame of mind, but whatever the beginning, my feelings took a dive during the day. Several interactions with people were not very pleasant and I forgot to use my One Little Word - Breathe - at least until around lunchtime. That's when I decided to take a walk. 

That did help a bit. Walking out the front door of the school and down the street under the warm sunshine, I took the opportunity to breathe deeply. All day though, I was struggling not to dwell on the negatives. When I was busy teaching, things were okay, but whenever I had a quiet moment, my thoughts strayed back to the hurtful words thrown my way and the stresses of the day.

I'm about to dive back into a lovely book and hope that my spirits lift. Often books have been a comfort and distraction. I wouldn't be very good company for anyone right now, but that is another reason why I love books. They don't mind if I'm grumpy.


  1. I sure hope tomorrow is better for you. I hate it when I wake up in a negative mood. It doesn't happen often...but it is no fun. So glad you were able to take a short walk...that has to help you clear your mind a bit. And now....your book can be some good therapy for you. Jackie

  2. Feel like I've been there done that....I hope tomorrow is better too. It's so hard to compartmentalize your life, isn't it? I love though, that you kept up the struggle to be positive.

  3. There is a great Calvin and Hobbes comic strip where Calvin has a horrible day. When he gets home he tells Hobbes, "Sometimes even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help." I laminated it. It makes me smile. Hope your tomorrow is better. :-)
    My OLW is Breathe as well. I have to work at it some days too.

    1. Too funny. I can just see Calvin saying that. ;)

  4. There is a great Calvin and Hobbes comic strip where Calvin has a horrible day. When he gets home he tells Hobbes, "Sometimes even my lucky rocket ship underpants don't help." I laminated it. It makes me smile. Hope your tomorrow is better. :-)
    My OLW is Breathe as well. I have to work at it some days too.

  5. Breathing is a great way to Take it in and let it go...hope you have a better day and enjoy your books

  6. Retreating into a book is a perfect way to alter a mood and help you breathe. Some days are like that, but at least you were aware of your mood, so you tried to step out of it. It's the weekend so enjoy these days.

  7. Thanks all! Things look better this morning.
