
Saturday, March 14, 2015

{#sol15} Celebrations for the Week 14/31

hosted by Two Writing Teachers

Discover. Play. Build.

Ruth Ayres has a link-up on Saturdays where people link to posts that are celebrations about their week. I love this reminder to celebrate every week.

I think Slice of Life and Celebrate work well together. Here are some of my reasons to celebrate:

This first celebration is a tough one, but it really is a celebration. Yesterday, the body of Joshua Xiong was found in the Mississippi River. He had been missing since November 9, 2014 when he had gone fishing and never returned. He leaves behind a girlfriend, two young children and a family who has been waiting and waiting for him. I know the family, and though this is a painful time, it is truly a blessing that he has finally been found.

Yesterday was a difficult day, but I have some co-workers who provided smiles, hugs, and patient listening. Slicers also offered encouragement and positive words. Having a community on and offline that listen and give support is something to celebrate.

The snow has melted and I was actually hot when I got into my car after work yesterday. Spring is truly in the air and that is such a lift to my spirits. I've been able to get out and walk several times this week and my dog didn't need a full bath afterward. The puddles are mostly gone and the mud is drying out too. We may still get some cold weather or even snow yet, but we are on the road to warmer days and that is such a relief.

Lee & Low Books tweeted out about their book Sweet Potato Pie in honor of today begin Pi Day so guess what is in my oven? The recipe was easy to follow and I had everything in my cupboard except the evaporated milk. So when I ran to the library for the books I had on hold, I stopped by the store for a can of milk and started working on the pie. It's making the house smell delicious.

Slice of Life is another part of my week that I celebrate. Posting each day is not as difficult as I thought it would be - though I am not getting all of my usual posts accomplished. It is also more rewarding that I anticipated. Both from a writing standpoint, but also from the posts that I am reading and interacting with daily. There are some wonderful slicers out there that I really appreciate. Jen Vincent has been posting some very thought-provoking pieces on her blog and there are others too who have been inspiring.

I hope your week is full of lovely celebrations!


  1. It must have been a most difficult day for you and his family - but getting closure is so important. A man missing in our area for sometime was found this week.
    Thanks for the link to the recipe. Never made or had one of these kinds of pies but sounds delicious. I feel the same about this month of blogging. Sometimes it is a challenge to find a slice but usually I find something. Thanks for stopping by. Happy Pi day!

  2. The celebration post does let you analyze moments of the week. Even though there were difficult days and times, you found the positive in them. As the weather gets better, spirits and kindness seem to amplify. I hope you have a great week ahead so there are so many choices for the celebration on Saturday.

  3. I'm sorry for your cranky day, Crystal, and glad the celebrations are holding forth today. It is nice to be 'heard' & then 'comforted'. Happy Pi day, & sweet potato pie day!
