
Sunday, April 14, 2019

It's Monday! What are you reading?

It's Monday! What are you Reading? is a meme hosted by Kathryn at Book Date. It's a great way to recap what you read and/or reviewed the previous week and to plan out your reading and reviews for the upcoming week. It's also a great chance to see what others are reading right just might discover your next “must-read” book!

Kellee Moye, of Unleashing Readers, and Jen Vincent, of Teach Mentor Texts decided to give It's Monday! What Are You Reading? a kidlit focus. If you read and review books in children's literature - picture books, chapter books, middle grade novels, young adult novels, anything in the world of kidlit - join us! We love this meme and think you will, too. We encourage everyone who participates to visit at least three of the other kidlit book bloggers that link up and leave comments for them.

If you want to know more about what I've been reading, visit my Goodreads shelf.

The Arbuthnot Lecture
The highlight of my week was attending the Arbuthnot Lecture given by Dr. Debbie Reese. She is such a treasure for the kidlit community. She works diligently and passionately to help children's lit and the community do better for our children. We are fortunate to have her voice. I am profoundly grateful for the teaching she has done - often without any monetary compensation. She truly holds children and teens in her heart and at the center of her work. She demonstrates daily how to read critically and speak up when things are not right. 

It was lovely to be in the presence of so many online friends who have similar goals and passions around books. I re-connected with some folks and met others face-to-face for the first time. It was a weekend full of learning, laughter, and much to think about. I left feeling refreshed and eager to get to work.


Last Week on the Blog:

Reading Last Week:

I've been reading a lot of YA and Adult, so I made sure to read at the elementary level this week. I especially loved The Undefeated. B is for Baby is adorable. Fergus and Zeke is a fun beginning chapter book. Undocumented was on my #MustReadin2019 list. I appreciate that it deals with the aspect of undocumented workers and the complicated issues surrounding employment. I'm not sure which age group this will appeal to most. Like one of his earlier books, this is on accordion folded pages like the Mixtec codex. He has done this before and it is an interesting way to see the story. 

The Coming Week: 

I have started Modern HERstory and New Poets of Native Nations. They are both great and I'm enjoying them.

Reading Challenge Updates: 
Goodreads Challenge 2019 - 104/550
Diversity on the Shelf 2019 - 69/275
#MustReadin2019 - 19/30
Year of the Asian 2019 - 10/30


  1. I didn't yet have Undocumented on my TBR list, so I'm adding that one right now. I also clicked over to your review of Internment and have to say it was excellent -- brings up all the feelings I had when I read it. I'm happy you had a chance to enjoy the Arbuthnot Lecture -- it's exciting to get to experience these face-to-face and rub shoulders with people you've only met online! Wish I could have been there. Have a wonderful reading week, Crystal!

  2. Duncan Tonatiuh is so prolific. Undocumented is immediately going to my TBR list. I've had my eye on Internment for awhile now - looks like a powerful read! :)
