Sunday, November 20, 2016


Ruth Ayres has a link-up on weekends where people link to posts that are celebrations about their week. I love this reminder to celebrate every week.

This week I'm celebrating Lauren Castillo. I was able to meet her at NerdcampMI over the summer. She's super sweet and fun too. Following her on Twitter is a good idea because she will make you smile.

This year her books were part of the author study for Global Read Aloud. We didn't do so well with the global part - though we did participate in some padlets from other schools. We did a wonderful job with the Read Aloud part though. I love her artwork and have enjoyed the books she's authored too. We read Nana in the City, The Troublemaker, The Reader, Yard Sale, Twenty Yawns, and It is Not Time for Sleeping.

My kindergarten and first grade students really got to learn a lot about illustration and the design of picture books during this study. I'm so glad Global Read Aloud inspired us to spend so much time with Lauren Castillo's books. A huge thank you goes to Pernille Ripp for organizing such a great program that gets teachers and students excited to read and share.


  1. Now you've made me want It's Not Time for Sleeping more than previously! I have most of the others by Lauren Castillo, and I love The Reader and Yard Sale. It is fun that you met her. And I like that little video too.

  2. Crystal, your first graders are so precious as little book reviewers.
