
Sunday, June 14, 2015

It's Monday! What are you reading?

It's Monday! What are you reading? is a meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journeys. Jen Vincent over at Teach Mentor Texts and Kellee Moye from Unleashing Readers decided to put a children's and YA spin on it and they invite anyone with an interest to join in. You can participate by creating your post then visit one of their sites to add your site. Finally, visit at least three participant blogs and comment to spread the love.

If you want to know more about what I am reading, visit me at my Goodreads shelf. Images via Goodreads unless otherwise noted.

The Past Week:

This is Sadie is just as wonderful as other people were saying. I love this celebration of imagination and creativity. Sadie stole my heart. My Cousin Momo is another that is embracing creativity and a unique personality. Momo also teaches readers to learn from others. Lines Everywhere is a playful look at what a line is and where we can see lines in everyday life. I can see it as a springboard to drawing. Young readers will enjoy the "line" that is represented by a cut out space to see through. Sea Rex is another fun book featuring this adorable dinosaur and friends. This time they're at the beach. The Lonely Typewriter tells of a typewriter that has been hidden away in an attic and finally gets to come out and be useful again. This was the perfect book for me this week since I found a 60+ year old manual typewriter this week at school. It was part of my celebrations this week.

 I featured most of these on my Nonfiction Picture Book Challenge post. They are all quite good.

I have enjoyed all of Mitali Perkins' books so far and Tiger Boy was no exception.  I learned a lot about The Sunderbans (a unique area in India and Bangladesh). I also appreciated this story of family love. The main character has to think about what he is willing to do for his family.

 The Letter Q: Queer Writers' Notes to Their Younger Selves is exactly what the subtitle says. Queer writers have shared the letters they would have written to themselves when they were younger. It's excellent to hear these voices. This is definitely one of those books that can be a mirror or window. Love Edy is a contemporary romance with a few twists. I'll be reviewing it at Rich in Color on Wednesday and we'll be giving away a copy of the book too, so be sure and check that out.
The last two books are graphic novels by Lucy Knisley. Heart: Seed, Snow, Circuit was a puzzler for me. I wasn't sure how it all fit together exactly. It was fun, but wasn't as interesting to me as her travel memoirs. French Milk was more of what I am used to from Knisley. I think Heart was self-published and it's more a comic than a graphic novel in my eyes.

The Coming Week:

We'll be visiting the Anne Frank museum in Amsterdam later this summer so I am re-reading her diary and a photo essay about her. Summer of Chasing Mermaids is for review and the rest are just for fun. I hope you have a great week filled with reading.

Reaching Challenge Updates:
Diversity on the Shelf/Diverse Books - 105/100
Goodreads - 220/520
#MustRead2015 - 29/53
Diversity Reading Challenge - 9/12
Around the World With Books 2015


  1. I read The Letter Q a long while ago & found it so wonderful, Crystal. I loved This Is Sadie, too, what fun! How wonderful you'll be visiting the Anne Frank Museum, a special thing. One of my favorite books that tell about this time is Anne Frank Remembered, by Miep Gies, one of those who visited every day to bring food & news to the families. Thanks for the other titles too.

  2. I loved This is Sadie and Sea Rex too! I'm waiting for Momo to come in at the library. Sounds like it will be a good one!

  3. I am bulking up on Lucy Knisley lately too. I just adore her travelogues! I ordered a copy of Heart from Amazon Marketplace so I'm curious to see what I'll think of it after reading your thoughts.

  4. I haven't read The Letter Q: Queer Writers' Notes to their Younger Selves, but it sounds like a fabulous title. I''m wondering about its suitability for my elementary school library. (I guess I'll have to read it and find out) Mitali Perkins is new to me so I have to read Tiger Boy.

    1. The Letter Q would definitely be a young adult book. They are typically writing to their teen self though a few do imagine they are writing to a self at age 10. It's not really written for elementary age.

  5. All of these picture books look wonderful! I've only read This Is Sadie and it definitely stole my heart too.

  6. The Letter Q has been on my bookshelf for ages. I think I should pull it out, read it, and compare notes with you. I am not sure why I never read it. I have had it on my TBR list forever! Thanks for sharing.

  7. Hurrah for Sadie! I am looking forward to My Cousin Momo!

  8. Unfortunately we dont have Q in our libraries here in Singapore for pretty obvious reasons - I will have to find that one in Kinokuniya instead. I'm not very intrigued by Sadie. :) I haven't read anything by Mitali Perkins yet but we had her speak at the Asian Festival of Children's Content several years back.
