
Thursday, December 5, 2013

#SipSwap Fun

I've been enjoying my new tea mug since my final day of National Novel Writing Month. It arrived the morning I was about to power through the rest of my novel - perfect timing thanks to Rebekah @rffaubion. It's so festive. It's shiny and almost looks like a Christmas ornament. 

This was the first time I had heard of #sipswap and in my third year of NaNoWriMo, I thought I could maybe sneak in calling myself a writer though I still feel a bit like an impostor saying that.

Sip Swap is organized by Kelsey Macke and Jessica Love and it was a ton of fun. I am hoping that they will be doing it again next year. I'm not a shopper, but even managed to enjoy looking for a mug for my swap partner too. 

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