
Monday, December 9, 2013

It's Monday! What are you reading?

It's Monday! What are you reading? is a meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journeys. Jen Vincent over at Teach Mentor Texts and Kellee Moye from Unleashing Readers decided to put a children's and YA spin on it and they invite anyone with an interest to join in. You can participate by creating your post then visit one of their sites to add your site. Finally, visit at least three participant blogs and comment to spread the love.

If you want to know more about what I am reading, visit me at my Goodreads shelf. Images via Goodreads unless otherwise noted.

The Past Week:

Jingle Dancer is a re-read for me, and I had a great time sharing it with second grade this week. I loved that students noticed the connections between Hmong New Year and Powwow. They even pointed out that their traditional clothing also jingles because of the coins that decorate their fancy clothes.

I read an ARC of Chitchat and will be reviewing it later this week. It's a fun look at the history, development and use of world languages.

The majority of my reading this week though has been in preparation for voting on the Nerdies. Here they are:

Words with Wings, Frog Song, and Flora and Ulysses were my top picks from these, but there were many that I loved.

The Coming Week:
Up next, I have Lincoln's Grave Robbers and many more fun books from the Nerdies list. I have six here in the house and 11 more are in transit according to my library account so I will have plenty to choose from this week. What will you be reading this week?


  1. Wow! You read a ton! I'm trying to catch up on the Nerdies, too!

    1. This year I had already finished quite a few of them, so of course it made it tempting to finish up most of them. :)

  2. Goodness, you have been reading a lot for the Nerdies. I think that I'm going to have to pick and choose which I really want to read.

    1. There are so many good ones, you can't really go wrong. :)

  3. Did like Mr. Lemoncello! I need to get my reading organized and plow through some good things, too!

    1. Mr. Lemoncello was fun. I have my pile and plowing is the name of the game this week - in more than one way since we had snow too. I love sitting by the lit tree reading with the snow outside.

  4. Once again, your post reminded me that we should get into updating our Goodreads site. Fats has started updating our last year's books, but may not have gotten around to reaching 2013 yet. Hahaha. So many great books here! I just borrowed False Prince, I hope I'd enjoy it. Have a great reading week!

  5. Thanks Myra! I loved False Prince and its sequel. :)
