Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Change of Plans


I think I had a long list of plans for this summer, but somehow I am just letting life flow instead of checking off my list.

Great reading spot on vacation!
I am getting way more reading done than I expected, but a lot less of everything else. I thought I would be at school much of the summer, but amazingly enough, life is too full to make it over there very much and it turns out, I am okay with that. :)

I also thought I would blog a lot more often, but instead, I am outside running, biking and hiking more than I planned. So, I may end up getting less accomplished for school, but I am really relaxing and recharging. That is definitely a good thing. Hopefully that will bring me back to school with lots of energy and excitement in the fall.

Had fun in the Badlands experimenting with the camera

I wish everyone a great summer!

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