
Saturday, September 2, 2017


Ruth Ayres has a link-up on weekends where people link to posts that are celebrations about their week. I love this reminder to celebrate every week.

This week had some unexpected surprises to celebrate. I knew there were going to be special bicycle events this weekend, but didn't realize they would be such unique activities. I participated a few years ago and went on a birding bicycle trek. Once I went on the ice cream ride. This time it was a poetry ride. Seriously. It is part of the Hear, Here community story project. We used our bicycles to get to several locations in the project. At each spot, we stopped to listen to a poem and briefly discuss the poem and/or the space. It was a wonderful way to see and experience our city.

The next bicycle event was a yoga ride. A train created a diversion and we had to take a slightly different route than we expected, but that made the trip more interesting. We did a little train meditation while we waited briefly before heading over to a different crossing. We made it to the yoga studio and had an hour of yoga before our leisurely ride back through town. 

The rides were more about connecting with each other than exercising or getting somewhere. Connecting with others makes life so much more meaningful. Speaking of connecting - we had our Open House on Wednesday evening and we started school on Friday. Seeing families and returning students and new students made my week. I love the first week even though it is more than a little exhausting. Everyone seems to be excited and hopeful with a fresh start to the year. Summer is truly coming to a close, but fall has all kinds of wonderful opportunities for us and I'm eager to see what the new school year will bring.


  1. How wonderful! Birding! Ice cream! Poetry! Yoga! What fun you must have at these bicycle events!

    Happy Back-to-School!

  2. It's so great to hear about those creative "rides", Crystal. Wow, what fun! Glad you had a wonderful start to your year. Best wishes for good things all year!

  3. Your bike rides were delightful ways to connect and get to know your city better. I especially love the idea of a poetry ride! Glad your new year is off to a great beginning.
