
Sunday, February 21, 2016

It's Monday! What are you reading?

It's Monday! What are you reading? is a meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journeys. Jen Vincent over at Teach Mentor Texts and Kellee Moye from Unleashing Readers decided to put a children's and YA spin on it and they invite anyone with an interest to join in. You can participate by creating your post then visit one of their sites to add your site. Finally, visit at least three participant blogs and comment to spread the love.

If you want to know more about what I am reading, visit me at my Goodreads shelf. Images via Goodreads unless otherwise noted.

Last Week on the Blogs:
(Junot Diaz & Sherman Alexie)

(at Rich in Color)

Last Week in Books:
I appreciated the message of Robin Roberts' memoir, "Regardless of how much money you have, your race, where you live, what religion you follow, you are going through something. Or you already have or you will. As momma always said, 'Everybody's got something.' " Another phrase she used often was, "Make your mess your message." Our struggles can help us and can help others too. She has definitely lived that by sharing her medical and emotional struggles.

Paper Wishes is a middle grade historical novel. A young girl and her Japanese American family are sent to Manzanar internment camp during WWII. She tries to take her dog, but is caught and she has to leave him. She stops talking and grieves the loss of her dog and the loss of their home and previous life. It's a haunting story, but also contains healing and hope.

Be a Friend is a precious book. It is super sweet and contains a beautiful example of friendship. I am looking forward to sharing it with students. I even bought a striped shirt to match Dennis. I have enjoyed hearing from the author on the Let's Get Busy Podcast and The Yarn. I also love the song that Emily Arrow made to go with the book.

A very unusual and excellent book that I found this week was Tall Story. Andi's big brother from her mother's first marriage is coming to live with them. He is older, but he is also actually quite big. He's eight feet tall. It is also a bit of a tall tale with a legend tangled up in the story.

West Coast Wild has truly beautiful illustrations of the nature found on the Pacific coast.

The Coming Week: 
Currently Reading

I will also read Terrell and Keke's Adventures in Time: Traveling the Underground Railroad. Beyond that, I'm not sure what else will come my way, but I am looking forward to a great week. I wish you a great week filled with wonderful books.


  1. I can't wait to read Pax! And I too loved Be a Friend. It is a very special book in my classroom!

  2. Be a Friend and Paper Wishes were favorites of mine this year. I meant to listen to the Emily Arrow song this weekend, I listened to a few of them this weekend, but didn't get around to that one.
    I just saw the Robin Roberts book and was wondering how it was!

  3. I still need to read Paper Wishes, and you've made me want to even more, Crystal. I have Pax, and hope to read it soon. West Coast Wild looks lovely, too. Thanks for all!

  4. I just put Be a Friend on hold--looking forward to it. I also can't wait to read Pax--I love Sara Pennypacker.

  5. I remember reading Obasan in school as a child, so I'm curious to read Paper Wishes for a different perspective. I just discovered Emily Arrow, her songs are ADORABLE!

    Have a great week!

  6. I just finished Pax, and it destroyed me emotionally. From your description, I'm thinking I should wait a while before I pick up Paper Wishes, since it sounds very interesting, but sad (I'm finding I don't handle the abandoned-animal-plot well).

  7. I love Robin so much. I'm adding her book to my TBR.

  8. I'm seeing Pax all over everyone's blogs and feeds. I definitely need to read that book soon!

  9. Pax is everywhere! I need to get it right now. Thanks for sharing it. You put me over the edge!

  10. Hi there Crystal. So glad to see that you read and enjoyed Tall Story. Candy Gourlay is a very good friend and has presented several times here in Singapore for the Asian Festival of Children's Content. She published her second book, Shine, I think a year ago. :)

    1. I want to get to Shine soon. It's neat that you know Candy Gourlay. I look forward to reading more from her. Thanks!
