
Tuesday, January 5, 2016


A big thank you to Carrie Gelson for hosting the #MustReadin2016 Challenge. It will help me stay focused on these titles. I went through my "to-read" shelf on Goodreads (1,315 strong) to get some of the titles. Others are because I am trying to read from a few lists. I want to read more of the books that have won the American Indian Youth Literature Award. I also want to read more of the books that have won the Stonewall Award. That will help with another challenge I'm doing - The LGBTQIA Challenge hosted by Alexia at Pretty Deadly Reviews. I'll be going for the Green Level 21-30 books. I may bump it up later, but I am aiming for that to start.

Two of the books are by Junot Diaz and I'm reading those because I will be going to hear him speak in about a month. That reminds me I ought to start them very soon.

Once again I have compiled a rather lengthy list (54). You may find the complete listing on my Goodreads #MustRead2016 shelf. Many of the books will be part of my reading for another challenge - Diversity on the Shelf 2016 this year it's hosted by Akilah at The Englishist.

I'm really excited about this year of reading and want to run over to my chair and get started right now. Happy reading!


  1. ooo, I love Pink by Wilkinson, and it seems to have really flown under the radar, so I'm super excited you're reading it! Last Night I Sang to the Monster is on my list too, I love Sáenz's books so much. I also have really enjoyed the Dalai Lama's books, although I don't think I've read How to Be Compassionate yet. I am very interested to see how you like Norwegian Wood. I've always wanted to get around to reading Murakami, but wasn't really sure where to start. You have so many really wonderful, unique choices and I can't wait to hear what you think of them.

  2. Wonderful that you'll get to see Junot Diaz speak soon. I've wanted to read The Brief Wondrous Life. . . for a long time, so will add it to my list of maybe's. I know you'll introduce me to new titles this year, & I am grateful! Happy Reading, Crystal!

  3. I'm really excited by your list because you have so many books on it that I have never heard of. I can't wait to read your reviews about them in the coming year.

  4. I agree with Cheriee, I've excited to hear your reviews since I haven't heard of either. I have read Death By Toilet Paper and really enjoyed it. The title sucked me in and I had to know what the book was about. Happy Reading!!

  5. Okay, I am back with more time to really look at this list! I learn about so many fantastic Diverse titles from you Crystal! Thank you!

  6. Such a diverse list! You are such an inspiration for pushing what we read!
