
Saturday, August 1, 2015


Discover. Play. Build.

Ruth Ayres has a link-up on weekends where people link to posts that are celebrations about their week. I love this reminder to celebrate every week.

This summer has been filled with travel, family, reading and writing. Our anniversary trip took us to new places in Europe and gave us many wonderful moments together and with others. The trip with my teen to Canada visiting colleges was also full of amazing experiences. Throughout both trips, journaling was an almost daily activity and reading was squeezed in as often as possible.

My next big adventure is an unexpected visit to my grandmother. A few days ago I realized I had accumulated enough flying miles to get to her sooner than I thought. So for my birthday later this week, I get to hop on a plane to Florida and hug Gram. Just thinking about this addition to my summer plans makes me smile. The flight times aren't fabulous and I will have a layover, but that just makes for more reading and journaling time!

I hope you have a wonderful week.


  1. I'm with you - layover time is like waiting time in a doctor's office - a gift to get lost in our reading and writing. Enjoy that unexpected visit to your Gram.

  2. I enjoy those layovers, too, and just as you said, reading. What a nice thing to visit your grandmother, and your summer full of travel sounds wonderful, too, Crystal. Happy days before school begins again.

  3. I celebrate with you for bonus time with your Gram. Love up on her as much and as often as you can. And treasure those quiet moments on layovers with a good book.

  4. So great to get to see your Gram early! I'm sure your grandmother is excited too.

  5. How wonderful to have a summer filled with time and new experiences shared with people you love.

  6. Hugging your grandmother on your birthday - now THAT'S a great gift! Enjoy!

  7. Summer travel is filled with the expectation of new places, new sites, new thoughts for journaling. Enjoy your Gran hug later this week.
