
Monday, July 13, 2015

It's Monday! What are you reading?

It's Monday! What are you reading? is a meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journeys. Jen Vincent over at Teach Mentor Texts and Kellee Moye from Unleashing Readers decided to put a children's and YA spin on it and they invite anyone with an interest to join in. You can participate by creating your post then visit one of their sites to add your site. Finally, visit at least three participant blogs and comment to spread the love.

If you want to know more about what I am reading, visit me at my Goodreads shelf. Images via Goodreads unless otherwise noted.

I have been on vacation for a few weeks and haven't reported on my reading, but it would be a ton of titles so I will just hit some of the highlights.

Anne Frank Remembered: The Story of the Woman Who Helped to Hide the Frank Family was an audio book offered by It was a fantastic way to hear another perspective after re-reading Anne Frank's diary a few weeks ago. I also enjoyed learning about how and why Miep helped the family. This book was particularly interesting to me since my husband and I were able to tour the Anne Frank house during a visit to Amsterdam.

Also related to that trip are books I purchased and read while there. The Little Rijksmuseum (the link takes you to an excellent review by @globalmouse1) is a great book with simple words on a page matched with a piece or section of a piece of art from the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam. I saw the book before visiting the museum then also found a copy in the amazing library within the museum. Then I really wanted to get my own. Luckily, I found it again in the bookstore around the corner from our hotel the morning we left.

Another book I read there in the Rijksmuseum is Miffy at the Gallery. I found a copy at another bookstore, but not in English. I bought it in Dutch with the title nijntje in het museum. It's fun to have it in another language. I didn't know that Miffy had a different name in her homeland. Nijntje is a short form of little rabbit. She was also on display outside the museum since it was her 60th anniversary this year. I kept finding her all over town in bookstores and libraries.

In front of the museum
At Scheltema (a bookstore)
At the library

This is a flip book - Scrumple Dirty/Scrumple Clean. When you flip it over, you have the second story. It's by the Dutch author of Jip and Janneke. The book made me laugh out loud as did this hilarious review on Goodreads comparing Dutch and German children's literature. I don't think she is reviewing this exact book, but Scrumple doesn't have very negative consequences in this book either. We own a copy of the German book she refers to and it's true the mischievous children have quite negative and often violent consequences.

Portraits of Hispanic American Heroes is one of my #MustReadin2015 books. I loved how it shared about people that are well-known, but also shed light on people that would be new to most readers. The biographies are not very long and the book can be used as a reference work or be read straight through.

The Coming Week:
I am traveling again - this time to Toronto. I know I will read some books written or illustrated by Debbie Ridpath Ohi in honor of being in her hometown. Other than that, I am not sure what I will accomplish. It will be a surprise. Have a great week!


  1. The former Spanish teacher in me (and teacher of many kiddos here in south TX) is interested in that Portraits book. How awesome ... Amsterdam?! I love all those little bunny statues!

  2. Great books and sounds like an amazing trip! I must admit how shocking I found it as a kid when my friends who were learning German starting sharing the fairy tales with us!

  3. I read some Miffy books when I was little!
    I hung out with Debbie this past week at nerd camp, she is so wonderful!

  4. I am glad to hear you liked Anne Frank Remembered. I downloaded it, and I haven't read it yet. I've listened to several books about Anne Frank, and I was wary to start another, but it sounds like this is an excellent one. Have a great week!

  5. Love the photos. Enjoy Toronto! Wish you were coming to the other end of the country (Vancouver) so we could visit!

  6. Thank you for sharing the book about the Rijks Museum. I love books that celebrate art, so I will see if my library has it.
    I also downloaded Anne Frank, so I look forward to listening to it.
    And I don't know Miffy! I must be missing out :)
    Looked like a wonderful trip!

    Happy reading this week! :)

  7. It's the first that I'm hearing of Hispanic American Heroes - will definitely have to look for this. How awesome that you're touring Amsterdam! Great to see your photos and your trips to bookstores. :) Have fun in Toronto - looking forward to seeing your book trips there.
