
Monday, June 8, 2015

It's Monday! What are you reading?

It's Monday! What are you reading? is a meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journeys. Jen Vincent over at Teach Mentor Texts and Kellee Moye from Unleashing Readers decided to put a children's and YA spin on it and they invite anyone with an interest to join in. You can participate by creating your post then visit one of their sites to add your site. Finally, visit at least three participant blogs and comment to spread the love.

If you want to know more about what I am reading, visit me at my Goodreads shelf. Images via Goodreads unless otherwise noted.

The Past Week:

Popular was an interesting concept. It's a memoir written about a girl's eighth grade year as she uses a vintage guide for becoming popular - including things about posture and pearls in addition to timeless tidbits about how to make connections with others. I found the overall message positive - that popularity is not just about looks or who you are, but is more about how you treat others and being brave enough to communicate with them. There were some things that put me off a bit though especially about her weight. It was on the sweet side, but it kept me reading.

Blackbird Fly was a middle grade that got my attention because of the Beatles and that the main character is from the Philippines. I had a student in the past from the Philippines. I know she would have loved to see this book in the library. She was the only person in our school from the Philippines just like Apple. It was great to read while listening to the songs that were mentioned in each chapter. The book deals with bullying and changing friendships along with identity. 

Candlewick sent Paper Things and I had to read it even though I had others waiting. I'm glad I did. The main character is living with her older brother wherever they can find a place. It takes a while for her to own the word homeless, but that's what they are. It shows how the many complications that she faces as she tries to keep that from her friends and teachers. The story touched my heart.

I enjoyed Izzy Barr Running Star in part because I like to run too. It was also a nice beginning chapter book that had just the right amount of complications. 

Hoot Owl was funny. The text in Counting Crows didn't work for me very well, but I loved the illustrations. Mesmerized was prettying fascinating. I liked learning about that bit of history. Chimpanzee Children of Gombe was okay. The photos were wonderful, but the text was not edited well. 

The Coming Week:

Reading Challenge Update 
Diversity on the Shelf/Diverse Books - 101/100
Goodreads - 205/520
#MustRead2015 - 29/53
Diversity Reading Challenge - 9/12


  1. Nice variety of books! I enjoyed Blackbird Fly when I read it too. Here is my accounting of last week. Happy reading!

  2. I'm looking forward to reading Counting Crows, and thanks for the review of Blackbird Fly, new to me & it sounds good. Thanks for all the connections to new books, Crystal.

  3. Izzy Barr, Running Star looks good. Finding quality beginning chapter books is my biggest challenge. I'm hoping to get a copy of Blackbird Fly since we have a large Filipino population here at our school. Hope you enjoy Lockwood & Co. My readers and I loved it!

  4. I also recently received a copy of Paper Things from Candlewick. After reading your thoughts, I'm looking forward to reading this one soon!

  5. I loved Paper Things - I really like this author. My husband is now reading Blackbird Fly after I passed it to him. I thought it was an important book about standing up to be who you are. I noticed that you have passed your Diversity on the Shelf goal! Well done. I always look to your recommendations.

    1. I think I should have aimed higher. After I started, I determined that I want to keep the diverse books up to half of my reading. So whatever my total is, my new goal is to do 50/50.

  6. Love catching up with you Crystal because you always expose me to books I do not hear about other places.
    I recently received Paper Things as well, and you have made me want to read it even more!

    Happy reading this week! :)

  7. Mesmerized looks like a good one. Whenever someone describes a book as fascinating, I am intrigued. Thank you for sharing it. I agree with Kellee. Your blog is one of my favorites, for sure. You are an animal.

  8. I've read so many great things about Paper Things - will definitely be on the lookout for it - great to hear about Blackbird Fly too. Have you read Doll Bones? I was also happy to note that one of the main characters there is Filipina-American. :)
