
Sunday, June 21, 2015


Discover. Play. Build.

Ruth Ayres has a link-up on weekends where people link to posts that are celebrations about their week. I love this reminder to celebrate every week.

This week was filled with family and friends again. One of the nicest parts was a shopping trip. If you know me, you would realize that was a strange sentence. I am not a shopper. The idea of shopping is not pleasant, but two friends may have completely changed my mind about that. Two co-workers met me to shop for summer clothing for some traveling I will be doing soon. They had me smiling and laughing in the changing room.

I also got to have lunch with a good friend who is passing through town on the way back to Texas. It was so nice to see her again.

My son came home from college for a couple of days before setting off on a road trip with four friends. I can't wait to hear about their adventures when they return.

While my son was home, we celebrated my husband's birthday. Seeing everyone at the table together made my heart happy. We hadn't been all together for several months. It feels good to have my chicks in the nest even if it was only for two days.

I also got to be a little creative and made a travel journal. For my summer trip I wanted to have a journal with blank pages. Looking at stores, I wasn't finding exactly what I wanted so I started looking online to find a way to make one. Fortunately, many people share how to do things. It was fun to decorate the cover and choose the cardstock colors to use. I look forward to filling the pages with thoughts and observations from our trip.

One other celebration is finally having the time to spring clean. I've taken eleven grocery bags of things to the Goodwill and have four more waiting. I still have to go through the closet under the stairs and one child said they would go through their room too so there may be more excess stuff leaving the house. I love walking into the rooms and opening closet doors that now contain less clutter.

I wish you wonderful moments to celebrate in the coming week.


  1. Me again!

    Family home!
    Creative project!
    Cleaning out!

    More than a great week!
