
Sunday, May 3, 2015


Discover. Play. Build.

Ruth Ayres has a link-up on weekends where people link to posts that are celebrations about their week. I love this reminder to celebrate every week.

I usually post on Saturdays, but yesterday was a busy day full of lots of celebrating. The morning began with the the school district Art Show. There were some amazing pieces of work there and I got to talk with some students and their families.

Next, I rushed off to see my youngest perform in three events at state solo & ensemble. The percussion ensemble was super fun. Liz was on the marimba. The next event was jazz where Liz played the electric bass. Finally, I got to hear a beautiful vocal solo too.

Following the competition, the two of us headed to a wonderful backyard party at a friend's house. We were gathering to celebrate the beginning of May. We got to spend time in the treehouse, blow bubbles, eat yummy food, and chat with friends for hours. There were cute smiley face cookies and the party was a huge success.

Earlier in the week, there were also a few celebrations. A new Hmong grocery store has opened up in our village. We can walk to a store that sells Pocky, fresh lemongrass, noodles, and all kinds of things that our standard grocery store has never stocked. This is a jumping up and down type of thing. Even better, sometimes there is also a Hmong food truck out in the parking lot that sells fried rice, sticky rice, chicken, sausage, egg rolls and....BUBBLE TEA! I recently bought Cooking From the Heart: the Hmong Kitchen in America and it's going to be a whole lot easier to try out some of the recipes now. There are Asian grocery stores in La Crosse (20-30 min away), but I wouldn't take the time to get to them very often. Now there's a store about 1/2 mile away. Yay!

Another celebration this week was the CCBC (Cooperative Children's Book Center) advisory board meeting. I love any excuse to go to Madison (I usually get to see my son for at least a few minutes). I also love visiting the CCBC. It's all about the books - children's and young adult books. It was a fantastic day talking about books and literacy. There were also decadent cupcakes. Yum.

I counted. There are 24 school days left in the year. I will have some good memories of this school year, but being squished into a teeny space, enduring loud construction noises, and even icky fumes sometimes while trying to teach makes this a year that I am glad to see ending. 24 is a very nice number. Two dozen sounds even better. Sorry to be a little snarky in a celebration post, but I am truly very glad to see summer on the horizon.

Have a week filled with celebrations.


  1. It all sounds good, Crystal, even the fact that your construction year is nearly over. We have most of those ingredients at several stores, but I've never seen a Hmong food truck-how great is that! I hope your school will be completed by the time you return in August!

  2. A Hmong grocery store?! The foods you listed sound divine! How fun. I completely understand your "snarkiness" in the last paragraph. It sounds like you've had trials this year. I'm looking forward to summer, too! :-)
