
Friday, February 20, 2015


Discover. Play. Build.

Ruth Ayres has a link-up on Saturdays where people link to posts that are celebrations about their week. I love this reminder to celebrate every week.

Here are some of my reasons to celebrate.

* My husband and I got to go to a Valentine's Day couples event. We spent time with other couples, talked alone and had a candlelight dinner too. The time together was a special treat.

* I enjoyed my Zumba classes this week. I'm thankful for the fun times with great ladies.

* A few of us were able to explore the construction in our school. Wearing a hard hat made it feel special. We saw some of the new spaces in the addition to the building. Walking around in a partially completed building is certainly a cool opportunity. Do I dare mention the negatives though? The fumes and the noise have been rough this week.

* To keep up our spirits during construction, we are having Fabulous Fridays. Today the fabulousness  was a potato bar at lunch. Having lunch together as a staff is definitely worth a celebration.

* I have students who love reading. Seeing smiles on their faces as they check out books and read will never ever get old.

* We got a book order this week with some awesome books like Sweetest Kulu. Opening the package and pulling them each out was like getting presents.

Fry Bread!!
* I'm on a team from my school that is participating in Culturally Responsive Practices training. Our homework this month was to attend a community event. Last night several of us went to a family fun night at Nį Tanį Hocira (Three Rivers House). The event began with food - and it was delicious. I am a big fan of fry bread. The food was amazing, but the best part was the conversations. I met a language apprentice, much like the one featured in the video below.

The apprentices and their mentors are working to keep the Ho-Chunk language alive. The families at the event were creating family trees using Ho-Chunk words for mother, father, etc.... I was also able to reconnect with some who have been great resources for me in the past. The evening was a lift to my spirit.


  1. I love when we get book deliveries at the store. It is like presents all for me. And then I get to give them to others. The fry bread looks good. It reminds me of a Chinese donut or whatever it's actually called but it is fried.

    1. Yes, the delivery is like a gift, but then it's a gift again as I share the books with others. The fry bread is super yummy. It is like a donut only fluffy and not quite as sweet.

  2. Fabulous Friday to lift the spirits - what a great idea. We celebrated February staff birthdays this Thursday during a morning break - food always seems to make people happy. One of the teachers brought fruit and a chocolate fountain. Just the sight of it made people smile.

    1. Food is a great motivator and certainly goes a long way toward making people feel better. Those chocolate fountains are especially fun.

  3. Fry bread. I've never had that before! I will celebrate your construction with you. Hang in there! It will be worth it! I love this idea of Fabulous Fridays.

  4. I love fry bread! It is a really good idea to attend community events to improve culturally responsive teaching. I also love opening the book box!

    1. Yes, I hope to go to more events within the community. It can only help what happens in my classroom.

  5. So great that you are having those Fabulous Fridays. We went through construction a long time ago, & it was tough! All the celebrations add up to a good week, Crystal! Great to hear about your culturally responsive time!

  6. What a great week. I have never had fry bread but it looks like something I would love! And who doesn't love to celebrate books and reading. Book delivery day is the best!

    1. I'm excited because I had book delivery day and tomorrow I get to go to Birchbark Books in Minneapolis and get some more fun books. :)

  7. I enjoyed reading all of this but especially smiled at the thought of you guys walking through the school in hard hats. How exciting! Maybe the thought of "complete" helped make up for the fumes and noise a little.

  8. Crystal,
    I've been able to witness many new schools being built here in Akron. It's so satisfying to see them roll on toward completion-growing pains are worth it! Touring neans it's getting closer to done! So many great things to celebrate this week!
