
Saturday, February 7, 2015


Discover. Play. Build.

Ruth Ayres has a link-up on Saturdays where people link to posts that are celebrations about their week. I love this reminder to celebrate every week.

This past week was full of laughter, smiles, and so many books. I was able to attend the ALA Mid-Winter meeting for the first time. There were friends to see and authors to meet. There were ARCs to pick up and so much more. I will likely write about all of the fun sometime in the coming week. 

I am also celebrating that I made it home on Sunday despite the winter storm. The roads were not so fabulous and the wind and snow made it tricky to see sometimes, but I had my audio books and took my time. Even with all of the dicey driving, I was still able to stop in Madison for a little while to see my son. I love any chance to do that.

Another celebration was the Youth Media Awards. I love seeing the outpourings of book love. I watched it at school just before classes started.

Our school renovation is in full swing with tight quarters all around, construction noise, and various things that require lots of flexibility on the part of staff and students. Our team leaders thought of a way to help with the stress. We're having "Fabulous Fridays." For our first fab Friday, staff was treated to all kinds of wonderful drinks: tea, coffee, lemonade (since we're taking our lemons and making a lot that these days), hot cocoa and more. There were even a few snacks to go with the drinks. It certainly made the morning brighter.

I hope your week was filled with many things to celebrate.


  1. The ALA awards were part of my celebration today too. So exciting that you got to attend ALA! I would like to attend the summer meeting someday so that I can hear the speeches! Glad you made it home ok through the bad driving. I love winter and snow--but I love it best when I can be safely at home with no driving to do.

    1. Yes, winter snow is best observed from the warmth of a cosy living room while reading a book. :)

  2. So glad everyone made it home safely! What a week of awards and book celebrations!

  3. I'm glad we got to spend some time together last weekend! The day flew by and I'm really glad you got home safely. It certainly was a dicey driving day!

    1. It was so nice to see you and I'm glad we got to know each other just a smudge more.

  4. My week was so busy I even forgot to celebrate the youth media announcement/awards. Happy that you got to be there (& see your son) & made it home ok, & the winners were just great!
