
Saturday, January 24, 2015


Discover. Play. Build.

Ruth Ayres has a link-up on Saturdays where people link to posts that are celebrations about their week. I love this reminder to celebrate every week.

This week held quite a few challenges and I am struggling to hold on to my One Little Word - breathe. I chose that word to remind myself to be in the moment and to let go of frustration. I'm taking those deep breaths, but unfortunately some of the frustrations are still there.

Several colleagues just got the news that they will need to change positions if they wish to remain full-time (bumping other people out) because their positions are being reduced to half-time. One of our part-time librarians was also informed that her position will no longer exist next year. 

I celebrate anyway. I celebrate positive co-workers who listened when I shared my frustrations and concerns. I celebrate my family and the love and support they provide.

On a completely different note, my daughter and I were able to celebrate the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. with many other people on Monday evening. We attended our community gathering and the keynote speaker was Ruby Bridges. She expressed appreciation for the youth she meets who give her hope for the future. Hearing about her experiences was amazing. She shared both serious and amusing moments from her past.

I also celebrate books this week. We had so much fun this week reading please, baby, please by Spike and Tanya Lewis Lee. My first grade students connected that book with No David! Second grade had a great time experiencing Ninja by Arree Chung. They loved the book and the trailer too. Third grade learned a lot through We Shall Overcome: The Story of a Song. What a powerful song. I'm listening to it as I type this post.

There were many ups and downs in the week and I'm thankful for the time to reflect on both.


  1. It takes strength to find the good during bumpy and uncertain times. You did that. Celebrate you.

  2. It takes strength to find the good during bumpy and uncertain times. You did that. Celebrate you.

  3. It takes strength to find the good during bumpy and uncertain times. You did that. Celebrate you.

  4. I hope this doesn't mean too many staff changes Crystal. That is hard on everyone. Wonderful that your family provides love and security when things are worrisome.

  5. Hard times when you have to say goodbye to colleagues, Crystal. I'm sorry. It's good to have the support you mentioned. And, how wonderful to see Ruby Bridges. Sounds awesome.

  6. What a moment - being able to hear from Ruby Bridges! Sounds like a treat. It seems that this time of year is always so hard for school changes. It makes for such tension in the buildings. I hope that everything works its way out!
