
Saturday, January 10, 2015


Discover. Play. Build.

Ruth Ayres has a link-up on Saturdays where people link to posts that are celebrations about their week. I love this reminder to celebrate every week.

This week was quiet compared to our winter break traveling and adventuring. It was nice though to have some stillness. I left the Christmas things up and so we got to enjoy them an extra week. I tried to take things slowly.

Part of the slowness and quiet may be related to the word I chose for the year. Last week Ruth highlighted the journey she's had with her One Little Word project. Her post got me interested. I often see mentions of OLW at the beginning of the year. In thinking about a word for my year, BREATHE kept coming to mind. Our school is going through a renovation so this is a very unique year and one with additional stress. There are fun opportunities like being able to write on walls since they will be coming down, but there are also not so fun things happening like packing away thousands of books and then needing some of them. In the midst of all of the change, I will need to remember to breathe and roll with it.

One of the opportunities to take it slow was when school was canceled for Wednesday due to the cold temperatures. The predictions were for wind chills between -30 and -40 degrees F. It was truly horrible outside that morning. It gave me a chance to read and shop and make lasagna for dinner though.

This is a little thing, but I got my Netgalley feedback to approval ratio up over 80%. Yay! I am plugging away at the reviews that I had piling up. There are still way more than I am comfortable with sitting and staring at me, but I'm making progress.

On Thursday I was able to sit in on part of the Social Studies Curriculum meeting for our district. This was a great learning experience for me.

Tonight we have a holiday party to go to and we will get to play laser tag and other games that are usually not considered adult activities. It should be a lot of fun.

I hope your week had many moments to celebrate.


  1. Love your beginning of the year celebrations. They seem calm and meaningful. Enjoy the laser tag!

  2. We had two snow days this week. On Wednesday, one of the best things was that I was able to make a real, honest-to-goodness meal for my family. They thought they had died and gone to heaven! :) (I told them not to get used to it...)


    1. Too funny. I thought the same thing. I never make lasagna on a weeknight. :)

  3. It's been a crazy weather week, but our cold didn't cancel school. It wasn't as cold as you had either! I think your work "breathe" may be helpful. I've heard you talk more & more about the school changing, & choosing to have a small space for the books-must be really hard. Best wishes, Crystal! Looking forward to hearing about all that you're reading this year!

    1. Thanks Linda. Yes, breathing deeply will help with all of this I hope. :)

  4. Hi Crystal! Yes, breathe is a good thing to remember. It seems like there is always something happening that interferes with that - or we start breathing too fast, trying to get it all done!
    Hope laser tag was fun :)
