
Saturday, September 27, 2014


Discover. Play. Build.

Ruth Ayres has a link-up on Saturdays where people link to posts that are celebrations about their week. I love this reminder to celebrate every day.

I am sitting here rather exhausted from a long week. I am certain there are things to celebrate, but my mind is rather foggy about what has happened this week. *thinking*

Still under wrap, but you can see the tennis ball design.

* My daughter and I made a three layer cake. I decorated it with light green frosting and piped on white lines so it looked like a tennis ball on top. This was her wish for the senior tennis party. It turned out to be a very yummy cake.

* I ran three miles two times this week in preparation for my 1/2 marathon this weekend. That's also a celebration - that I am able to run a 1/2 marathon at our Oktoberfest. It's usually pretty fun.

* We got to watch our daughter march in the Applefest parade and her band got first place.

* I attended Hmong New Year again. I had six students that agreed to take pictures while they were there. I sent cameras home with them on Friday. Between my students and myself, we took over 200 pictures that we will use to create a non-fiction picture book about Hmong New Year since such a thing doesn't seem to exist as far as I can tell. You may see some of their pictures here in our announcements below. All of the people in the video are students or family members from our school.

I know there were more things to celebrate, but my brain is tired. I am going to sleep to be ready for my race. Have a great weekend!


  1. Hope that your 1/2 marathon went beautifully, Crystal! Love seeing all the cute kids in the video, & seeing the Hmong families. A favorite book from the past is The Spirit Catches You and They All Fall Down, the poignant story of the Hmong community & their conflicts with the US medical community. Have a good rest of the weekend!

    1. Have you read either of the middle grade books Tangled Threads or Little Cricket? They share a lot about the immigration of Hmong families.

  2. So impressed with your dedication to your running and races! Wish you had a photo of the tennis cake. Sounds delicious.

  3. Three-layer cake and an Apple Festival Parade. Great things to celebrate. I am glad you have such talented daughters.

    Mary-andering Creatively
