
Monday, June 2, 2014

It's Monday! What are you reading?

It's Monday! What are you reading? is a meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journeys. Jen Vincent over at Teach Mentor Texts and Kellee Moye from Unleashing Readers decided to put a children's and YA spin on it and they invite anyone with an interest to join in. You can participate by creating your post then visit one of their sites to add your site. Finally, visit at least three participant blogs and comment to spread the love.

If you want to know more about what I am reading, visit me at my Goodreads shelfImages via Goodreads unless otherwise noted.

The Previous Week:

Picture Books

I will highlight the best of each of these groups. Dangerous was reviewed last week over at Rich in Color by Jessica. I found it to be on the young side of YA. It was an entertaining sci-fi adventure. Maisy, the main character, is Latina and is missing part of her arm. She does not limit herself and uses all of her talents to do what needs to be done. Shannon Hale has a great post here about her main character. I just have to say that Tender Morsels is way beyond bizarre. I only finished it because it won a Printz and I am trying to read all of them. It was not my cup of tea even though I usually love fairytale retellings.

Separate is Never Equal was my overall favorite of the week. It is a non-fiction picture book that chronicles the Mendez family and their fight for desegregation of schools in California. This is a bit of history that is often overlooked and I am glad to have it in our library. I can't help myself. I have to talk about one more. Just us Women was a lot of fun and it's one I ran across during inventory. I'd never seen it before and was glad to find it.

A Year in Japan is a sort of scrapbook/journal that highlights some of the interesting things that the author experienced during a year in Kyoto. Beth Shaum reviewed it which brought it to my attention. Since my teenager will be heading to Japan in about two weeks, I thought we might both enjoy it. I loved the sketches and the less than typical things she noted such as seeing sumo wrestlers on the street going about their everyday lives. 

The Coming Week:

I am listening to and enjoying Heist Society on a Playaway and Landline on CD (via a Goodreads giveaway). I have barely started Last Airlift, but like it so far. I am really enjoying Angel de la Luna and the 5th Glorious Mystery. Beyond these four I am not sure what I will be getting to, but it is shaping up to be a great week. What will you be reading?


  1. Have to hunt down This One Summer. Summer in books is usually more interesting than it tends to be in wreak life. And a graphic novel... Must read! I loved heist Society and am looking forward to Carter's new series.

    1. This One Summer is one I will review at some point, but it is not one that actually has a lot of action. It really feels like two kids hanging out with not a lot to do at a beach house. It's interesting at a certain level, but it is not riddled with adventure. Also, the content is a bit on the higher end of YA even if the characters aren't. The illustrations are beautiful. Loved them.

  2. I have to admit, your thoughts about Tender Morsels on Goodreads is making me kind of curious about it.

    1. It reminded me of the Wicked series because of the sexual and bestial interactions and the darkness. It really felt more like an adult book than YA.

  3. Thanks for the title, Separate Is Never Equal, Crystal. I don't know this one, so will look for it. The others look interesting, especially This One Summer. Another 'summer' book!

    1. I will be recommending Separate to many. :) This One Summer wasn't quite what I was expecting, but the characters and situations felt so realistic and believable. It truly gets at that time when innocence is quickly disappearing, but the young are still navigating what they know, think they know, and don't really know about the adult world.

  4. I love Ally Carter's books so much. I am all caught up on both her series and am now suffering a little withdrawal! I am very jealous that you have Landline. I want, I want, I want. I hope you are enjoying it! Have a great week ~Megan

    1. Ally Carter's books are so fun. I am enjoying Landline. It's very different. Thanks!

  5. SEPARATE IS NOT EQUAL looks very good! Thank you for sharing it. I hope my library has it! I just added LANDLINE to my TBR list, too. I didn't realize that was the name of her next one. I am really excited to hear what you think about it!

    1. Landline is interesting because it is about an older married couple, but since it flashes back in time, it's like a YA book within an adult book. I'm enjoying it so far.

  6. I am interested in Separate is Never Equal as well. Thanks for highlighting it here.

    1. It's a great book. I am eager to re-read it. Here's a great blog post with the author/illustrator over at 7 Impossible Things

  7. Separate is never equal sounds like a powerful read - will add that in my to-find book. Just Us Women also appealed to me - there is such freedom in the book cover. You have some great titles here!
