
Saturday, June 14, 2014

Celebrate This Week

Discover. Play. Build.

Ruth Ayres has a link-up on Saturdays where people link to posts that are celebrations about their week. I love this reminder to celebrate every day. Here are some of my celebrations from the week in no particular order.

* School ended on a good note and we are off to our summer adventures. We had beautiful weather for our field day and our last day of the school year picnic also. There were hugs, smiles and lots of positive comments floating around our building.

* My daughter and I have just about finished all of the preparations and shopping for her trip to Japan this coming Monday. Shopping is not something that I truly enjoy, but it has been nice to spend time together before she leaves for a month.

* The paperwork is wrapping up for our exchange students. We will have a Japanese student coming to stay with us when my daughter returns from Japan and she will stay for about a month. We also have a South Korean student coming at the end of July. He will stay with us for the whole school year. It's tedious to take care of the papers, but it is also a bit exciting to think about the visits.

* My husband is having a birthday and we are celebrating Father's Day too. So this means special dinners and cake and fun food. It also means time together as a family before our daughter leaves.

* I am getting focused on my running. I am signed up to run in a RAGNAR race. I am part of a team of 12 women who will run in a relay format from Winona to Minneapolis (204 miles). We are about 9 weeks out so training is starting to get serious now. I love to have something motivating me to work just a little harder.

I hope you have lots of celebrations in the coming week.


  1. Wow, it will be a busy week! Will we see some Japanese children's literature reviewed from you in the next year?? :)
    I ran the Madison to Chicago Ragnar a few years ago. The camaraderie is so fun! The no sleep thing is not! You'll leave with great memories. Don't forget to "decorate" your van! You'll see some crazy ones!

    1. Yes, you just might see some Japanese lit. For Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month (that's a mouthful) many of my classes learned how to sing Head and Shoulders Knees and Toes in Japanese using Teach Me Everyday Japanese by Judy Mahoney. It has a CD with it.

      We plan on doing some fun stuff for RAGNAR including van decoration. That's what makes it so memorable I think.

  2. You have wonderful moments and people to celebrate!

    It's beautiful how you are opening your home up to students!

    1. We had an exchange student a few years ago for the whole school year. It can be a really meaningful experience for everyone involved. :)

  3. I read so many #IMWAYR and #CelebrateLU bloggers who are so into running. I have to figure out why- and how I can catch the same running bug as you!

    1. Maybe it's because we do so much sitting at our computers and reading. It's certainly an efficient way to be active. You can do it anytime most anywhere with minimal equipment and at your own pace. I like the challenge of getting better and better at it. I started in my 30s and love it.
