
Monday, May 12, 2014

It's Monday! What are you reading?

It's Monday! What are you reading? is a meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journeys. Jen Vincent over at Teach Mentor Texts and Kellee Moye from Unleashing Readers decided to put a children's and YA spin on it and they invite anyone with an interest to join in. You can participate by creating your post then visit one of their sites to add your site. Finally, visit at least three participant blogs and comment to spread the love.

If you want to know more about what I am reading, visit me at my Goodreads shelfImages via Goodreads unless otherwise noted.

The Past Week:

Three great non-fiction texts, two poetry collections and one trickster tale

Two non-fiction texts, one poetry collection, two picture books and a middle grade novel in verse
One more non-fiction text

I would recommend any of the books that I read this week, but here are my favorites:

New and Selected Poems by Mary Oliver: This is a fantastic collection that spoke to me in so many ways. I appreciate Mary Oliver's ability to be still and present in nature. She has such a sense of wonder about the world around her. Poetry month did its job and I am reading more of it again. :)

Red Kite, Blue Kite by Ji-li Jiang: This is a picture book that takes place during the Cultural Revolution in China. More than that though, it is a story of the love between a father and son. Simply beautiful.

Summoning the Phoenix: This is a fantastic text about Chinese instruments. There is a combination of poetry and non-fiction prose that helps to explain the history of the instruments and their use now. The illustrations are fabulous. (I got this copy from the publisher and will be reviewing it soon.)

Chukfi Rabbit's Big, Bad Bellyache: A Trickster Tale by Greg Rodgers is a lot of fun. That tricky rabbit tries to pull one over on everyone, but this is a trickster tale I can truly appreciate. He gets what he wants, but he also gets what he deserves. (I read it as a ARC from Edelweiss and it should be out in June. I will review it here soon.)

The Coming Week:
I am reading these right now and hope to finish them this week

As for what will come after that, I will be reading Beyond Magenta for the CCBC listserv conversation coming up soon. Have a great week of reading.


  1. Glad to see you found a copy of My Name is Jason. I loved that book.

    I need to read more of Mary Oliver's poetry. I should get my hands on one of her books. I've only read a smattering of her poems here and there.

    1. I saw the Jasons book and was excited since I really enjoyed reading When I was the Greatest recently.

      I was the same about Mary Oliver. I had read a few poems here and there, but never read through an entire book. I will be reading more of her work for sure.

  2. I love Red Kite, Blue Kite. You are right, it's beautiful.

  3. Ah, I love trickster tales! I am Native American, so I used to love listening to my grandfather tell them to me when I was young. I will have to get Chukfi Rabbit's Big, Bad Bellyache. Thank you so much for sharing!

    1. Yes, Chukfi is written by a Choctaw man. It was fun to learn a few words for the animals and I always enjoy finding interesting trickster stories.

  4. I don't know any of the books you read! I love learning about new books--thank you.

    I loved The Emerald Atlas, but I need to probably reread it before reading the sequels. Looking forward to hearing how the sequel is.

    Happy reading this week! :)

    1. I jumped in after a long stretch, but I think I mostly remembered the most important things that happened in The Emerald Atlas. There are some references here and there to the events in the first book and I would think, "Oh yeah, that happened too." I wish I had read them closer together, but it is still working.

  5. I am so envious of the Mary Oliver collection of poetry - I have to find that one in our public library! I long for that stillness with nature, as you shared. I do have Naomi Shihab Nye's collection of poetry here at home, but there's always room for more poetry. :)

    1. I think I am going to do a little walking in nature since the weather is so much better here in WI now. Mary Oliver made me want to go out and appreciate this wonderful world we have. Naomi Shihab Nye is another favorite of mine and yes, there is always room for more poetry.

  6. I must read Red Kite, Blue Kite. I think I will love it. My children and I loved both The Emerald Atlas and The Fire Chronicle. We are impatiently awaiting the 3rd title.
