
Saturday, May 31, 2014


Discover. Play. Build.

Ruth Ayres has a link-up on Saturdays where people link to posts that are celebrations about their week. I love this reminder to celebrate every day. Here are some of my celebrations from the week in no particular order.

** My daughter had an orchestra concert Tuesday (that I didn't know about until Monday). It was a bit of a surprise to me, but it was really fun to hear her improvise on her cello in a jazz number. Also great to find out that she will be bringing home a bass this summer to learn because the orchestra doesn't have any members that play it now. That was something she wanted to learn way back in sixth grade so it's fun that she gets to play it for a year.

** I was horribly sick this week. Not really something to celebrate, but the silver lining was sitting on my back porch in beautiful weather during the day and watching the Blue Angels practice for today's airshow.

** My trip to Minneapolis last weekend was really nice. I have attended four anime conventions with my daughter now and this is the one that I enjoyed the most because it was not during winter so I could get outside more. I was able to go for a run to the Lake of the Isles and then visit Birchbark Books with @LibLaura5 for one of my outings. It was wonderful to chat about books - and buy some too. I love meeting Twitter friends.

** At school yesterday, we had a visit from some of the team members of the Blue Angels and then of course, in the afternoon we had extended recess to watch this....

** Finally, another great time this week was watching the live tweets from the diversity panels at BEA. I am thankful that people shared what was happening there via #WeNeedDiverseBooks.

My daughter and I are about to head out to the official airshow. After watching the practices all week long it will be fun to see it from the show grounds. Have a great week!


  1. Wow, the pics of the Blue Angels are wonderful. We've seen a bit of them since we live in Denver, and sometimes they flew over in practice when I lived out at the edge of the city. Sorry you were ill, hope all is better now.

    1. Thanks Linda. I recovered within about 36 hrs. Whew. :)

  2. Life is all about finding the silver lining at times. Seemed it was a good week even though you were ill.

    1. Yes. It was a great week overall. Thanks.
