
Saturday, May 17, 2014


Discover. Play. Build.

Ruth Ayres has a link-up on Saturdays where people link to posts that are celebrations about their week. I love this reminder to celebrate every day. Here are some of my celebrations from the week in no particular order.

** My son is home from college! I got to drive over to Madison after school Thursday and bring him home. I love having him back in the house. He even made it back in time for...

** My daughter's voice recital on Friday. It was held in a church with a vaulted ceiling and her voice simply soared. Beautiful.

** I was able to run to my Zumba class from my house. It is in a new location 1 mile away and I had time. It is so great to be able to run to class, dance and then run home. No need for a vehicle. 

 ** Mother's Day was relaxing. My husband did the cooking and we didn't have to go anywhere. I got some beautiful flowers and did some reading. 

 ** When I was in Madison, I had time to visit the Central Library downtown. They renovated and it is an amazing space full of art and well, space. The rooms are huge. There are so many different reading nooks and different places to relax or study. There is a cafe too. The Bubbler was pretty cool too. It is a maker space for all ages.

** We invited a Hmong dance group to visit our school and share their dancing in honor of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month. Our students were a great audience and we even learned some Hmong words. The teens came on their own and had a Prezi to share. They were very professional and it was awesome. One of my students in line to go into the gym was nearly jumping up and down and he was saying, "I'm Hmong! I'm Hmong!" with a huge smile on his face as his class went in.

1 comment:

  1. Love the image of your young student leaping up and down with pride! Must have been powerful for many children. How great that it was a high school group performing.
