
Sunday, August 18, 2013

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

It's Monday! What are you reading? is a meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journeys. Jen Vincent over at Teach Mentor Texts and Kellee Moye from Unleashing Readers decided to put a children's and YA spin on it and they invite anyone with an interest to join in. You can participate by creating your post then visit one of their sites to add your site. Finally, visit at least three participant blogs and comment to spread the love.

The Past Week: 
Picture Books

My favorite of the three was Crankee Doodle. Very amusing and cute. Crankee reminded me of the Pigeon throwing his little fits. Students will likely love it. Dream Friends was sweet. I found the Thumbelina Story a little difficult to follow, but the illustrations were beautiful.

Middle Grade

I was pleasantly surprised with this mystery. I have read several Grisham books for adults, but wasn't sure how he would do with books for children. That transition doesn't always work out. I read this for #bookbootcamp since the focus for August is mysteries and found Theodore, or Teddy as his mother calls him, to be talented, but not obnoxiously so. The case was interesting enough and I appreciated that it was realistic.

Young Adult

I enjoyed Looking for Alaska a lot more on this second time through. This time I used audio. I still wasn't super convinced by the ending, but that may be more about me than the book. 

** If you haven't read the book, may be best to skip the next paragraph **

I have felt survivor's guilt (suicide of close family member) and it seemed to be wrapped up so much more quickly here than in my experience. Maybe that is more of my issue. Anyway, it seemed Miles was way more emotionally mature at the end than in the beginning - almost unbelievably so. Perhaps that is expected because he does have an awesome teacher and he has his circle of friends. John Green does a wonderful job of taking us on this journey though. It's hard to get through his books without some introspection and/or general deep thinking.

If You Could Be Mine was quite unique. It takes place in Iran and two girls are in love with each other which is a dangerous thing there. Sahar, the main character, thinks up a unique solution to their situation. I will review it over on Rich in Color on August 28th. In the meantime, you may watch a video of the author if you want to know more.   


I was lucky enough to sit in on a session with Thomas Peacock earlier this spring. He taught using stories and interactions with us. I loved learning that way. This book is also sprinkled with stories. I look forward to using some of the activities in school this year as a part of our efforts towards culturally responsive teaching.

For the Coming Week:
I still have a pile of ARCs waiting for me. I am not really sure which ones will come next. I think I may finally get to The Boy on the Porch. This will be the last full week before work begins again so I will try to pack in as many books as possible.


  1. The university term has begun for us here in Singapore as well as the international schools. Good to hear that you still have one week of vacation left. Looking for Alaska was my first John Green novel and I didn't read any more after that. It didn't resonate with me at all, and found myself getting impatient on several occasions. Could be the time in my life, perhaps if I read it at some other point/phase in my life, I'd respond differently. I've seen Crankee Doodle in the libraries here, will need to check it out soon.

  2. I really would like to read Cranky Doodle. I also have one more week. Trying to finish The View From Saturday and maybe one more. Have a great week!

  3. I'm on my last week before the school year starts up, too! I haven't read Looking for Alaska, but I certainly understand what you're saying about survivor's guilt.

    I have a request at my library for Crankee Doodle - can't wait!
