
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Top Ten Most Intimidating Books

The Broke and the Bookish have a weekly feature called Top Ten Tuesday and they invite anyone to participate. This week we are posting the top ten books that are the most intimidating for whatever reason be it length, content, or otherwise.

Most of these are on the list because exhaustion descends on me when I think of the time investment. In the case of Octavian Nothing, I read the first one and struggled, so am not sure if I can make it through another long slog.

I contemplated adding Fifty Shades of Grey to this list, but I think I am not so much intimidated, but rather just not really wanting to read it aside from the pop culture aspect. Which books have held you at bay by length or content?


  1. Oh pa-LEASE read Eye of the World and Game of Thrones! They're amazing! The Stand is pretty good. Not my fave, but worth reading and I think everyone ought to read Atlas Shrugged at least once, just so they get more truth than the world today and the media generally dole out. I haven't read Dune, though, and really want to. Great list! :D

    1. Okay, I will put them on my TBR. :) I am just a scaredy cat. I have read some long books, but the sheer length of The Wheel of Time series in its entirety completely freaks me out. Maybe I can just commit to the first one.

  2. Game of Thrones keeps popping up on people's lists (including mine). I think it's the length!

    1. Definitely! It is so hard for me to read the first book in a series when the whole series adds up to thousands of pages.

  3. Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace. I've tried to read it twice and just can't get past a certain point. I've given up.

    1. There are some that I have just had to let go also. Love in the Time of Cholera was one and I gave up a Rushdie book too among others.
