
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Top Ten Beach Reads

A Beach on Lake Superior
The Broke and the Bookish have a weekly feature called Top Ten Tuesday and they invite anyone to participate. This week, their topic is beach reads. The phrase "beach reads" likely means many different things depending on who you are talking to, but for me, they are books that make me laugh. They're fun and lighthearted. So here are a few I might throw in my beach bag.

Poison is a fun fantasy romp with a dash of romance.

Cat Girl's Day Off combines a bit of sci-fi and mystery and a whole lot of fun.
Her super power is being able to talk to cats and they talk back. What's not to love?

Openly Straight is one of the funniest books I have read in a long time. There were serious moments too that choked me up, but I also had tears of laughter.
The voice of Rafe was so real and hilarious that I just kept smiling.

Libba Bray is the Queen of Humor. Beauty Queens is a work of art.

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian is another one like Openly Straight that can kind of break your heart, but also make you laugh so hard that you forget that a little.

Eleanor & Park is a very sweet book with a fun sense of humor.
Oh the awkwardness of first love.

My favorite fairy tale has always been Beauty and the Beast. In Beauty, McKinley retells the tale with much humor and of course plenty of romance.

Tiffany Aching is one of my all time favorite characters. She has intelligence and plenty of grit. 
The Wee Free Men though - they just crack me up.

I am always happy to find another fantasy book packed with action. Skulduggery Pleasant is fantastically funny even as he faces off against ancient evil. 
Stephanie Edgley, his apprentice, is also rather fabulous.

[all cover images from IndieBound]

No matter how many times I read the Heir Apparent, the lines crack me up. I don't read a lot of sci-fi, but since the virtual reality game that Giannine is trapped in happens in medieval times, it felt a bit more like fantasy. Giannine is a master of sarcasm and she keeps me smiling the whole way through.

What are some of your favorite beach reads?


  1. Great list! I hope to read Eleanor & Park at some point. I featured Rowell's first novel (and Terry Pratchett) on my list this week :)

    My TTT

    1. Thanks for stopping by. It's fun to notice the similar themes among the lists.

  2. Great list! The last book looks very interesting:)

    My TTT:

    1. Heir Apparent is really fun. I didn't realize until I did this post that it is part of a series. Now I will have to find the others. :)

  3. Great list! I have so many of these books on my TBR pile, I should get to them soon :)

    My TTT

    1. My TBR pile is overwhelming at the moment. So many books!

  4. I also have Poison included on my list! I thought I'd be the only one to have fantasy in my post, but it looks like it's more popular than I first though :)

    Pretty Deadly Reviews

    1. Fantasy works well as a relaxation genre for me. A little bit of escapism with humor is perfect.

  5. Great list. :) I loved Eleanor & Park... such an amazing book.

    My TTT

    Brandy @ A Little of the Book Life

  6. I have not read a single one of these. Eleanor and Park is super high on my TBR, though.

    ~ Gabbi
    My top ten! :)

  7. I loved Beauty Queens. So awesome. Openly Straight sounds great. I love funny books. Great list!
    Natflix&Books' TTT

    1. Thanks! I hope you find some great reads this summer.

  8. Great list! I've read & loved & agree for them as beach reads on Poison, Cat Girl's Day Off and Eleanor & Park!

    1. Thanks for stopping by and have a great summer of reading!
