
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The Top of My Summer Reading List

The Broke and the Bookish have a weekly feature called Top Ten Tuesday and they invite anyone to participate. This week the top ten is centered around our summer TBR books.

First, I have a few ARCs waiting for me that have me really excited.

A middle grade fantasy that's getting a lot of Newbery buzz

Middle grade historical fiction and sequel to Dead End in Norvelt

After Code Name Verity ripped me to shreds, I am a little worried about this one. 

Fantasy recommended to me by Cindy Pon and Cathy Burnett (The Brain Lair) on Twitter

For my Printz challenge I have this one on my shelf

From the Nerdy Short List from 2012 - I only have a few more to read

Several Goodreads friends I trust have given this 5 stars

I don't know how I have missed Cassandra Clare - must get busy reading her series

Maria Selke had this one in a It's Monday post and it caught my eye

I need a little more history and loved the last Steve Sheinkin book I read - Bomb

UPDATE: I have one last book to add to the pile. I just finished reading Amanda Palmer's amazing blog post about her husband's new book The Ocean at the End of the Lane and will HAVE to read it soon.

What will you be reading this summer?


  1. I've heard good things about quite a few of these, but haven't read them. The only one I've read is The Clockwork Angel. I enjoyed it (though was one of the few who didn't love the last book of the series). Hope you love it when you read it! :)

    1. Thanks! I am looking forward to that series. Many people seem to love it.

  2. The Ocean at the End of the Lane is on my list as well. :) And I've been wanting to read an A.S. King novel for a while now. I'm torn between Ask The Passengers and Everybody Sees the Ants for my first ASK novel though... Have you read any of them?

    1. I read and enjoyed both. I preferred Ask the Passengers though. Have fun reading.

    2. Thanks! I'll read that first then :)

  3. What a great list they all look wonderful.

  4. OMG-Now I've got to scroll back up,open my goodreads tab, and start adding!!

    I just got Real Boy in the mail as an ARC-heard Colby raving about it on twitter!

    The others looks great, too, and I did not know there was a sequel out to Dead End in Norvolt!!! Loved that one!!


    1. I know. I added quite a few books after this Top Ten Tuesday. There were so many temptations. :)

      Jack Gantos was in town a few weeks ago and mentioned the sequel and I was excited. He is hilarious.

  5. Thank you for this list! I too think I added over half of these to my goodreads list! I will start in a high school library after 7 years in K-6 so I love the great suggestions!

    1. Glad you stopped by. I am in Pre-K to 5, but I love YA so I tuck into quite a few of them. :) Have fun in your new position! I am sure it will be an exciting time for you.

  6. Rose Under Fire is one of my most anticipated books EVER! I can't wait.
    Amanda Palmer's blog post reminded me to get The Ocean at the End of the Lane as well, though it took me another day to decide if I wanted the kindle version immediately or if I could tough out the 3 days for shipping the hardback - I'm waiting it out since I don't even technically have time to read it right now. I heard it was fairly short though, so I'm hoping I can squeeze it in soon!

    1. I just picked up Ocean at the End of the Lane yesterday. I have too many books to read already, but yeah, it is short. I will likely read it this weekend. I am hoping that remembering details from Code Name Verity will not be necessary for Rose Under Fire. It's been quite some time since I read it. Have a great weekend.
