
Thursday, March 14, 2013

TMT's Book and Bookmark Swap Fun!

Jen and Kellee over at Teach Mentor Texts (TMT) always have such fun ideas. I knew we would have a great time with their Book and Bookmark Swap. It was cool looking for books and making bookmarks for my buddy. I also had a fantastic time opening my box of goodies.

My buddy Beth Robertson completely spoiled me. She added a few extra treats like tea and teeny tiny notepads. A really unexpected bit of fun was that she included treats for my dog. He was over the moon!

I have already finished the excellent novel that she sent, Navigating Early, while sipping some lovely tea and have looked through the knitting projects in the quick knit book. I can't wait to try one of the projects in there. I couldn't have asked for a better buddy. 

It was so nice because I was busy and had just been out of town to visit my son. I got home to a box and couldn't even figure out what it was. I had forgotten that it was time for the book swap books to arrive. What a wonderful surpresent! I love that word from True (...Sort Of) by Katherine Hannigan.

To Jen, Kellee and Beth Robertson (an awesome book buddy) -

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


  1. I just read True (...Sort Of) and I loved that word surpresent! There were a few fun words in that book. I saw a totally un-book-related interview the other day and the girl said something made her feel "nervous-making" and I thought of Uglies right away. She even said it was from one of her favorite books so I'm guessing it was actually from Uglies. How fun.

    It looks like you really did get a great surpresent! I'm glad it was a fun experience for you! Thanks for sharing!

    1. I say nervous making too. I am sure it is from reading that series. :)
