
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

World Read Aloud Blogging Challenge #3

This is the third week of the World Read Aloud Blogging Challenge and our job this week is to provide a view into our reading life. 

Reading is an integral part of my life and I do not end a single day without having read something. Reading informs me, stretches me, comforts me, and entertains me. I am thankful that authors continue to share their gifts with all of us. I am taking a page from Katherine Sokolowski's blog and have created a video to show the snapshot of my reading life. Enjoy!

A Snapshot of My Reading Life


  1. Oh, I love it! I think you have as many bookcases as I do. Yours look much cleaner, though!

  2. Notice I didn't show the rest of the house though. @katsok's house was so clean & orderly, but I couldn't walk through with a video camera like that. I went with stills so I wouldn't admit to the crazy chaos that is our home. :)
