
Thursday, February 21, 2013

#NF10for10 Part Two

Okay, here was my dilemma. As I gathered titles for the Non-fiction Picture Book #10for10, I passed by sooooo many excellent non-fiction books that were too long to go in the collection. But it was almost painful to leave them out of my list. Therefore, I am going to give them a little shout out too.

Here are some of the middle-grade and YA non-fiction picture books that I am happy to have found. Also, I couldn't keep myself to just 10. No self-control today.


  1. Fantastic list Crystal! As a K -12 coach, I appreciate your inclusion of titles for older readers. Love Citizen Scientist and seeing it here reminds me that I have to get that book into more classrooms.

    Thanks again,

  2. Glad you enjoyed the list. Oh, I forgot Moonbird. I guess lists could just go on and on forever. :)
