
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

November is National Novel Writing Month

Okay, so I am now going to make an attempt at writing a novel.  Pfffft.  I am shaking my head at myself.  Unbelievable.  I start a blog and all of a sudden I am jumping into a novel.  Way crazy, but it should definitely be a learning experience.  Notice I didn't say a wonderful or fabulous learning experience.

I heard about this event, affectionately called NaNoWriMo, on NPR a few years ago and thought it might be a fun experiment someday when I have a lot of time.  Right.

Here is the official press release about this bizarre insanity they describe as Novel Fever. There are six days left before the craziness begins.  We will have one month to write a complete novel of at least 50,000 words.  My courageous daughter has just decided that she wants to join too.  Wahoo!  Wish us luck.


  1. How is it going? I am writing a novel this November too. It's my third year, and I have managed to win each time. I'm quite behind at the moment, but that's what my weekends are for this month. Instead of adding words to my novel right now, though, I am procrastinating by visiting blog posts in my Google Reader!

    Good luck! I hope you and your daughter are still going strong.


  2. It went pretty well. I finished my 50,000 and my daughter finished a little over 15,000. Both winners. :)

    I hope you finished as a winner again. I am impressed. I am not sure I will do it again, but am glad I made it through.
