
Friday, March 27, 2015

{#sol15} American Indian Nations in WI 27/31

hosted by Two Writing Teachers

I love social media. A post yesterday alerted me to the creation of a new Facebook group providing  some fantastic resources. The group is called Wisconsin Librarians and Teachers Supporting Act 31. They posted a great list of books and online resources that help with teaching about the American Indian Nations in Wisconsin. For librarians or teachers wanting to add to their library collection, this is an excellent place to start.

We already own most of the titles listed for elementary, but it was nice to see a few titles that were new to me. They also had some great titles for teachers - like this one I picked up from our public library:

Debbie Reese had mentioned Everything You Wanted to Know About Indians But Were Afraid to Ask on Twitter a while back, but I hadn't gotten to it yet. It's in my house now so maybe soon.... 


  1. Thanks for posting this resource. Our school district serves a Native American tribe and I'd like to read more to know more.

  2. I also love social media for the sharing. When used appropriately, it is really a helpful tool!

  3. That's the power of connections ...

  4. Thanks for visiting my site.
    Hey, I know where Onalaska is! My husband and I bought our first home on Brice's Prairie there. Worked at Gwen's Fashions (which probably isn't there now) before I landed a teaching job... then we moved to a farm in Hokah, MN just over the river. Taught in LaCrosse for a long time! Maine now.
    Social media can be a good thing. It needs to be used more for the good things it can provide - like the passing around of resources.

    1. How fun! Very few people know Onalaska outside of WI. It's cool how the Internet makes the world seem so much smaller. We can connect with so many resources and people beyond our own community.
