
Saturday, January 17, 2015


Discover. Play. Build.

Ruth Ayres has a link-up on Saturdays where people link to posts that are celebrations about their week. I love this reminder to celebrate every week.

This week I am celebrating my friend Kimberly. She is a caring person and I am so fortunate that I got to work with her. She brings sunshine into a room. She inspires the people around her to be their best and she is an incredible advocate for her students. Kimberly is moving away and that's hard for me, but she's moving to be with her fiancé and I am so happy for both of them. I'll miss her smiling face peeking into my office each day, but she did promise to provide a nice picture. 

Today we got together for some yummy breakfast crepes and had a relaxing time chatting about the move and the new adventure she's beginning later this month. I'm thankful that we live in a techy age. We have many tools at our fingertips to keep in touch. It's also nice that she'll be back in the summer for their wedding. 

I can't help but have the song "For Good" going through my mind right now. She will "be with me like a handprint on my heart." And, because I know her, "I have been changed for good."

1 comment:

  1. Oh - sorry to hear about the soon to be missing. So hard when we lose the people that we so enjoy working with.
