
Saturday, November 1, 2014


Discover. Play. Build.

Ruth Ayres has a link-up on Saturdays where people link to posts that are celebrations about their week. I love this reminder to celebrate every day.

I'm celebrating the fact that though my son was involved in an accident this week, he is alive and so far, it seems there are no broken bones or other more serious injuries. It could have easily been a very different result. Our midnight call was scary, but we were able to see him yesterday and I even got to hug him, though I had to be gentle.

That really is enough celebration for me though I am sure there were others throughout the week.  This one celebration is worth all other celebrations I could possibly report added together.


  1. You are right. That is enough to celebrate. So glad he is ok and you could give him a gentle hug. Healing for both of you!

  2. So much to celebrate - so glad you were able to hug him!

  3. I've gotten that phone call twice in my life, once for each child. It's awful. I'm so glad for your son, Crystal, & for you, too. Definitely it's worth a huge celebration.

  4. Oh. Whoa. Thank goodness all is okay. Hugs to you too.

  5. This is a reason for us all to celebrate. Prayers for a rapid recovery.

  6. Thank you all for the well wishes. :)
