
Saturday, April 19, 2014


Discover. Play. Build.

Ruth Ayres has a link-up on Saturdays where people link to posts that are celebrations about their week. I love this reminder to celebrate every day. Here are some of my celebrations from the week i no particular order.

#1 This little guy has a birthday today. We have had Schatzie with us for nine years now. He is frustrating sometimes now that he decided he likes to bark, but mostly he is adorable.

#2 It is finally our Spring Break. We had yesterday off and we will return to school on Wednesday. That means five days in a row spent with family and lots of time to read.

#3 I had a really long list of things to do before the end of the school day on Thursday and I accomplished them. Whew!

#4 Jim Dale is the reader on the audio book that I just started listening to this week. His voice is so great. It was a wonderful surprise.

#5 I got to write a post for The Nerdybookclub Blog about diverse children's literature. 


  1. Happy Birthday to Schatzie! #3 is impressive. I wish you a wonderful Spring Break!

    1. I wish I had done a better job convincing you to add The Goldfinch to your TBR list. If you don't have time to read during the spring break, then maybe in the summer you will have the time, or maybe in ten years. Add it, not because I said so, but because it is a great book, one that doesn't come along often.

    2. Thanks for Schatzie's birthday wishes. Also, I added The Goldfinch to my list. ;)

  2. I love seeing your little dog-he looks very sweet. And happy you are having a break, Crystal. I still haven't gotten to your Nerdy post, but I will! Have a lovely break!

  3. #5 is one of my goals this year. I really have to listen to Jim Dale because his name gets mentioned so often! Have a great Spring Break!

    1. I will look forward to seeing you post something for the Nerdybookclub. Jim Dale is a fabulous reader. I loved listening to his Harry Potter readings. Thanks!
