
Saturday, April 5, 2014


Discover. Play. Build.

Ruth Ayres has a link-up on Saturdays where people link to posts that are celebrations about their week. I love this reminder to celebrate every day. Here are some of my celebrations from the week.

1. I get to work with some fabulous students who make me laugh and keep me on my toes. 

2. We got to see our daughter perform again this week. Last week was a musical and this week she was part of a variety show fundraiser. I love the sound of that cello and the choir was awesome.

3. The bookstore called and has more copies of the Minecraft books for me. The waiting list is out of control so I know some students will be super excited when I bring the books in next week.

4. I had a fantastic time sharing Geisel Award books with first grade. I read a chapter from each of the 2006 winners with them. The students loved Bink & Gollie, Henry & Mudge and the rest.

5. I managed to get posts up on my blog every day this week and one over on Rich in Color. Whew! I had not been doing such a great job of that recently. It was nice to catch up with some of my plans.

I hope you had a great week!


  1. All sounds great, Crystal, but seeing your daughter perform must be a real delight!

    1. For sure! I love listening to her sing and make music up there. :)

  2. I need to check out what the Minecraft buzz is all about. Lots of customers have been asking for them in our bookstore. And, I get crazy proud of myself when I happen to post consecutively on my blog too. Happy week to you! -Earl!

    1. There aren't actual picture books or even chapter books that have the licensed Minecraft images, but the books I have are gaming guides for Minecraft. We have many students that play. I could probably buy 10 copies and they would all be checked out.

  3. That beginning of that video was adorable!!! Congrats to your daughter! I haven't seen the Minecraft books, so I need to look into them. I hope you have another great week. :-)

    1. Thanks! The Minecraft books I have are really game handbooks, but I do have one Minecraft-ish digital chapter book called Blockworld that I got from Amazon written by a WI principal. Anything related to Minecraft brings a smile to the faces of many students.
