
Saturday, March 29, 2014


Discover. Play. Build.

Ruth Ayres has a link-up on Saturdays where people link to posts that are celebrations about their week. I love this reminder to celebrate every day. Here are some of my celebrations from the week.

I have a full day today so the post will be brief.

1. We were able to see our daughter participate in her first high school musical last night. The cast has been practicing for so long and the time and effort has been enormous so it was wonderful to see them all come together and perform. We laughed big belly laughs and enjoyed the evening thoroughly.

2. I completed a fun run this morning that benefited the family of one a student from our school. The sun was shining and there were smiles and friendly faces all around. We even had some canine friends involved.

3. We are almost snow free. The temps are supposed to be in the 50s and maybe even 60s soon!!!!

4. The public library is offering free recycling of tech items so we are getting two monitors (the huge obnoxious kind) and two printers out of our storage room. The church is also having a book sale next weekend so we may get a few boxes of those out of the house too. Spring cleaning is a great thing.

5. My family supports each other and we each flex our schedules to allow for our individual endeavors like fun runs and book clubs (me), Ironman training (husband), musicals (daughter) and more.

6. I almost forgot - I am also celebrating the resurrection of the Sharp/Schu Saturday videos and a new challenge. I totally loved reading the Geisel award books this week and am looking forward to sharing them with my students. It's great to pull out some of the older titles that I know the students will enjoy.

It's been another great week and I look forward to the next.


  1. Guess I should head over to check out the Sharp/Schu video and new challenge. What a delightful week - daughter's performance, a fun run, and the snow is almost gone! Keep celebrating and have a fun weekend.

    1. Thanks Ramona! Yes, it's a fun challenge and fewer books than the Newbery. :)

  2. Isn't it just the nicest thing to see your children onstage? How wonderful for you all. And all the rest of your week sounds great, Crystal. Our weather is warmer too. I love leaving the house without a coat! Have a great rest of the weekend!

    1. Yes, it is so fun to see her up on stage. :) Sometimes I have been going without a coat even when it is in the 30s or 20s because I hate wearing a winter coat in March.

  3. Almost snow free is definitely worthy of celebrations. Then a fun run on top of that! You had a great week!

  4. I sure hope you are snow free soon. I must admit all of the green and spring flowers has such impact on my mood and energy! Congratulations to your daughter and her musical! So exciting to part of school events like this.

    1. We are finally free of the snow. Flowers should be coming any time now. It cheers me up for sure.

  5. Musicals are SO much fun! Congrats to your daughter! I love that you celebrated your family supporting each other as everyone enjoys their own things. That's really important. Yay for no more snow!
